Misguided ‘Frum’ Youths Rob an Elderly Woman Seated in a Vehicle

Two misguided youths robbed an elderly woman sitting in a vehicle in the middle of a crowded chareidi neighborhood and then fled the scene.

The robbery occurred last week, in the Beis Yisrael neighborhood of Jerusalem. An elderly woman in her eighties was left seated in a vehicle as her son went to daven maariv at about 7:00PM.

According to the Kikar Shabbos News report, while alone in the vehicle, the woman began counting her money, NIS 1,600. Two youths passed by and saw her counting the bills. They stopped, turned around and walked back to the vehicle, and one of them reached in and grabbed the cash and the two ran off.

Neighborhood residents gathered around the vehicle when it was realized what occurred. The youths have not been apprehended at the time of this report.

The woman explains she is traumatized and is having difficult getting back to her routine as a result.

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

7 Responses

  1. “misguided youths”??
    You’re kidding, right?
    If they were not fun unzere what terminology would you use?
    Feel free to apply it here. Our blood is the same color as everyone else’s.

  2. It is well know that thieves and terrorists will dress so as to blend in. If they were residents of the area, someone would have recognize them.

  3. The proper adjectives are “delinquent” and “criminal.” If we don’t hold our children accountable for even the Seven Mitzvos Bnei Noach how can we expect them to keep the 613 we are required to keep? Young people need to know that there are consequences for misdeeds, at the same time receiving the guidance that will help them return to the right derech.

    And Aryeh – have you checked the recent population numbers for Yerushalayim? Ken yirbu, but it’s way beyond what it was in the days when people could know all their neighbors by name.

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