40 Percent of Israelis Feel Another Political Assassination in Israel is Likely

A new poll reveals that 40% of Israelis believe there is a moderate-to-high chance of another political assassination taking place in the coming years. They also believe the discourse in Israel today is more violent than it was before the assassination of Prime Minister Yitzchak Rabin. 37% of respondents blame the media for the deterioration of the discourse in Israel.

Next week, Israel will mark 24 years since the assassination of Prime Minister Yitzchak Rabin, and today, 40% of those polled feel there is a moderate-to-high chance of another political assassination taking place in Israel today. The poll was conducted by the Roshinek Research Institute for the organizers of the Rabin memorial event, to be held in Tel Aviv on motzei Shabbos in Rabin Square.

About a fifth of Israelis believe that Yigal Amir, the convicted assassin of the prime minister, should be pardoned. However, 63% feel he should spend the remainder of his life in Israel, 49% of those surveyed believe that even if Rabin had never been murdered, the right-wing would still be ruling in 2019 as compared to 25% of respondents who believe that if the prime minister had not been murdered, there would be a left-wing government running affairs in Israel today.

39% believe there is a good chance the next political assassin will come from the right-wing camp and target a politician from the left-wing/centrist camp. 21% feel that next assassin will come from the left-wing and will target a right-wing politician and 16% feel the assassin will be from the Arab camp and a right-wing politician will be targeted.

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

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