It Appears Ayelet Shaked is Trying to Return Home to Bayit Yehudi

It appears that former justice minister, MK Ayelet Shaked, is probing current realities vis-à-vis a possible return to the Bayit Yehudi party.

According to a report appearing in the daily Yisrael Hayom newspaper, the chairwoman of the New Right party, Ayelet Shaked, is conducting meetings with senior Bayit Yehudi party officials towards a possible return, and then to unseat Bayit Yehudi chairman, Rabbi Rafi Peretz.

Shaked’s departure from Bayit Yehudi caused a storm, when she and Naftali Bennet took leave of the party, which they left with a staggering debt, only to launch the New Right party. The move was not a successful one as they failed to earn enough votes to pass the minimum electoral threshold in the April 2019 election for 21st Knesset. This reality compelled them to run under the joint right-wing umbrella list for 22nd Knesset in September 2019; a list that included Bayit Yehudi, New Right and Ichud Leumi. Following the election, Bayit Yehudi and Ichud Leumi remained together as they have in the past, while New Right broke away and resumed on its own.

However, back in the New Right, the situation is not a harmonious one as Naftali Bennet, the former chairman of Bayit Yehudi, is now probing a move to Likud. At present, such a move is unlikely since Bennet is Likud Chairman Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu’s political nemesis. Bennet also has issued with some of the other senior Likud officials.

For now, it appears that Shaked, who enjoys widespread political popularity among voters, will use this popularity to apply pressure on Bayit Yehudi leaders to set the stage for her return. She hopes this popularity will permit curtailing Rav Peretz’s tenure and set new primaries to permit her to run for the party’s leadership.

Persons close to Shaked explain that she is conducting meetings with right-wing leaders in order to plan the right-wing’s camp future moves.

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

One Response

  1. They might as well file Chapter 11 if she’s put in charge

    what is the difference between her and any other semi right-wing party

    she walked off
    she is not religious and would not be a good for the party it would in the long run ruin it
    whatever her fan club seems obsessed over

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