Jared Kushner Describes Making Kiddush With His Father-In-Law President Trump

Jared Kushner, President Trump’s son-in-law and senior adviser was interviewed on Tuesday by Israeli media for the first time.

Kushner spoke about a wide-ranging variety of topics, including the political deadlock in Israel, Trump’s peace plan, and the situation in Syria.

During the interview with Channel 13 News, Kushner also spoke about his marriage with Ivanka Trump and the Shabbos meals he participated in the White House. “We had the good luck to marry ten years ago. Our life in the past ten years has been an amazing journey. Our life hasn’t played out exactly as we expected but in general, it’s been wonderful and we’ve enjoyed our life together very much.”

Later in the interview, Kushner said that Trump was in their house when they made Kiddush one Friday night.

Kushner also confirmed the widely-reported story about the time when “Uncle” Bibi Netanyahu slept in Jared’s bed when he was a teenager at his family home in Livingston, New Jersey. Jared slept on a couch in the basement instead.

Netanyahu is an old family friend of the Kushners and had a personal relationship with Jared’s father, Charles Kushner, a real estate developer who is a generous donor to Jewish and Israeli causes.

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(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

11 Responses

  1. There’s no reason to hide the fact that Ivanka’s so-called conversion by Haskel Lookstein, who even the liberal Zionist rabbanut of Israel rejects his conversions, was a farce only done to kasher their treif intermarriage.

  2. I think Kushner is as good a Jew as the next, and certainly does not mechalal shabbos. I would really be interested in reading about his experiences with Trump, Bibi, Chabad, and more…

  3. White all due respect for someone who his Creator is proud of and loves in a way we can’t understand, he also went trick or treating akst night. No need to make him into a saint. Let the goyish news hock his jewishness, we don’t have to.

  4. “Our life hasn’t played out exactly as we expected but in general, it’s been wonderful and we’ve enjoyed our life together very much.”

    Interesting how he places their life together in the past participle! Is it not current?

  5. If you accept her conversion or not, at least they are claiming she converted and she has talked about the joy of shabbos, walking to shul, and even doing Succos! etc etc etc. You could’ve had Chelsea instead and her marriage where no one even bothered to convert, where she would never write those columns, and probably, no one celebrates anything. Imagine her and her Wall Street Banker husband going to Saudi Arabia like Jared did. Not gonna happen!

  6. What Joseph doesn’t know is that Ivanka’s conversion was not a private conversion by Lookstein, but rather under the auspices of the RCA’s GPS, which is recognized by the rabbanut.

  7. If you never learned hilchos shabbos, how can you be not michalel shabbos?

    Many people are not shomer shabbos. Shomer means to guard, which means to be aware.

    Your shechita may be kosher because you are not michalel shabbos bifarhesya, but it does not mean you are shomer shabbos.

    If you bite your nails, you are not shomer shabbos. If you rake your hands through your talis tzitzis on shabbos, like most people do, you are not shomer shabbos.

    If you sort the dishes into your dishwasher, you are not shomer shabbos.
    If you pull your dry skin off your lip, you are not shomer shabbos.

    If you put on makeup on shabbos, you are not shomer shabbos.

  8. This is Yair Hoffman. I feel terrible about saying this, but I grilled Rav Hershel Schachter shlita on the geirus issue. I believe that she is Jewish lehalacha.

  9. Joseph, the geirut beit din included Rav Hershel Schachter. enough said. anyone stupid enough to challenge his psak would NEVER include the Israeli chief rabbinate.

    Yair Hoffman, you “grilling” Rav Schechter is an odd choice of words, that borders on chutzpah. you are not a bar hochi to have the audacity to do that. I know you only quote Haredi poskim for the most part, but even for you Rav Schechter is multiple bridges further. Are you a member of an established BD for geirut? If you are not, i doubt Rav Schechter would explain the dinim as he applies them to you. If you talk to any of his close talmidim who are on such Batei Din or to Rabbis who seek his view in a particular case, they will not go beyond generalities.

  10. @Yair Hoffman:
    You personally believe she is, and you discussed it with R’ Shachter.. But to just clarify exactly, did R’ Herschel Shachter say he considers her Jewish lhalacha as well?

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