Tiveria Mayor Vows to Shut Yeshivos Including Ohr Elchanan

Tiveria Mayor Ron Kobi vows to shut Yeshivas Ohr Elchanan and halt all funding to the institution due to the situation during bein hazmanim. The mayor angrily announced he plans to cut funding to the yeshiva headed by HaGaon Rav Achikam Shevach, located in neighborhood ‘Daled’ in the city, and to close its doors along with other yeshivos after the situation that resulted from talmidim using the building during bein hazmanim.

Hundreds of bochrim arrived at the yeshiva during Tishrei, and on Sunday evening, there was a performance by singer Pini Einhorn, a performance attended by bnei yeshivos after spending a day of activities in the north.

Kobi arrived on Monday morning and this led to his live broadcast on Facebook, as has become his norm. “Shocking, the makeshift hotel and simcha hall in the yeshiva and schools continue partying in Tiveria. We will stop this phenomenon immediately and all yeshivos like this one will be closed. Allocations to the yeshiva will be stopped. The chareidi askanim continue to celebrate here and they caused significant damage.” He added, “The time has come for people to understand what we are dealing with here”.

The rosh yeshiva did not respond. Kikar Shabbos News quotes an area resident by the name of Simcha, who reports “the performance ended at 9:00PM, unlike the other non-frum performances in the area, which continued into the late night hours, until midnight, and this does not seem to have the mayor bothered.”

It is pointed out the result of the bein hazmanim activities is mounds of trash and the complex does look like an abandoned lot that was turned into a trash dump.

The accompanying video was aired on Mayor Kobi’s Facebook page showing the yeshiva’s complex after bein hazmanim.

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

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