TRAGEDY: Breslov Yungerman Struck And Killed In Northern Israel

A young Chareidi man from Ramat Beit Shemesh was tragically struck and R”L killed by a vehicle on Route 20 in Northern Israel.

According to a police investigation, Nachman Yosef Markowitz Z”L, 24, was driving when his vehicle got stuck in a ditch. He attempted to go to the road to get help, and was unfortunately struck and killed.

He leaves behind an Almanah and two young Yesomim.

He belonged to the Breslov kehilla where he lived.

He is the son of R’ Nochuum Markowitz, who heads “Kiryas Kedushas Levi” in Berditchev. His father received the tragic news while visiting Berditchev, where he was for the Yartzheit. His wife is a daughter of R’ Yona Lebel.

The Levaya was held at Shamgar on Friday afternoon, and was attended by hundreds.

Boruch Dayan HaEmmes…

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