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Bar Ilan University Cancels Regulations Requiring a Kippa & Modest Attire

Bar Ilan University has canceled its regulation for students to dress in modest attire and to wear a kippa on campus. Management said the requirement was eliminated due to non-enforcement of religious practices and diminution of the religious student body in the institution. Today, the regulation is viewed by many as “harassment.”

University officials explain the regulation has not been enforced in recent years, leading to the decision to eliminate it officially. University officials explain, “The university does not become involved in one’s faith and opinion, but does expect that one who enters the school’s gates act respectfully towards others as well as respecting the university’s customs…”

According to the KAN News report, the section addressing Toras Yisrael and Jewish tradition remain in the regulations, but the regulation demanding a head covering and modest attire has been removed.

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

2 Responses

  1. I’ve been on the Bar Ilan campus several times in recent years and the dress of the students on campus is indistignusihable from those of the general population.. Its certainly not a hotbed of prtizus and most of the student body seems to exercise common sense in their attire (at least as much as th general population in EY these days).

  2. Yes, indeed. Let’s do continue the fad of covering up our identity, of pretending we’re no different than the goyim in any way, shape or form. Let’s continue to deny any and all minhagim, ESPECIALLY COVERING THE HEAD (OMG!!!) because they are too dangerous to be seen in public, chas v’shulem. Such weakness, such lack of commitment, such fundamental rejection of basic Torah values and MITZVOS is appalling.

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