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Seriously Injured Lightning Victim From Zikim Beach Discharged from Hospital

Mrs. Efrat Hazut, who was seriously injured in a Zikim Beach lightning strike during a Chol Hamoed Sukkos outing has B’chasdei Hashem been released from the hospital.

Efrat, 21, was with family members during Chol Hamoed Sukkos on an outing when lightning struck during the early afternoon hours. Asher Hazut z”l, 14, was critically injured from the lightning and he was niftar in the hospital.

Efrat explains “I don’t recall what occurred. I only know that I awakened in the hospital. The tefilos are what helped me. I have now words to explain what occurred other than it being a miracle. I lost my brother-in-law, and it is so sad. They only told me after I awakened. He was a young boy who was all about good, always smiling and was concerned with all around him. I was very attached to him.

“My condition is improving daily. I feel much better. I left my home to make a shiva visit at the brother-in-law’s home and did not feel well upon my return. My husband Elazar, two siblings; Elchanan and Pedut, were released from the hospital during chol hamoed”.

Barzilai Hospital Chief of Intensive Care Medicine Dr. Daniel Yaacobson adds, “Efrat arrived comatose. She was sedated and intubated for three days and there were fears of neurological damage. Her treatment, beginning with resuscitation, was complicated. She received the best care possible and we are very pleased that she returned to her conscious state”.

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

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