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American Yeshiva Student Seriously Injured While Hiking in Israel

An American Yeshiva Bochur was moderately injured on Wednesday after he jumped into a pool in the National Park of Ein Prat. The boy was evacuated to the hospital by helicopter while he was suffering from a head wound. The boy received immediate medical care from United Hatzalah and Magen David Adom both of which had volunteers who rushed to the scene and began treating the boy before taking him to the hospital

According to an MDA Spokesperson, the man had jumped off a rock and attempted to land in the pool. The IDF also responded to the emergency as did Israel’s Search and Rescue Units and the police.

United Hatakah volunteer EMT Akiva Skolnick who was at the scene said” When I arrived I found a tourist who had suffered serious head trauma. We arrived at the same time as t he Megillot Search and Rescue units. After providing medical treatment at the scene the patient was airlifted to Har Hotzvim for further care.

Please say Tehillim for Shlomo ben Sara.

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

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