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Fake Twitter Account Opened In Name Of New Shas MK

Moshe Abutbul, former mayor of Beit Shemesh and now a freshman Shas MK, discovered on Monday that a fake Twitter account had been opened in his name.

“I filed a complaint to Knesset Security Officer Yosef Griff on a fake Twitter account in my name,” Abutbul said. “If I decide to open an account in the future, I’ll let the public know in a respectable way.”

Following the complaint, the Knesset Security Officer, who is responsible for the security of MKs, said that the complaint is being transferred to Israel Police who will open an investigation to find the person responsible for the account.

The fake account has already been blocked.

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

One Response

  1. Some of you may recall the headline in the JP in November 2018 when Aliza Bloch defeated Reb Abutul, Rav Shalom Cohen from Shas screamed that “All yidden who voted for Bloch would be destined to the Toilets of Olam Habah”. It was one of the few cases in recent memory where large numbers of Chareidim defied the directives of the Gadolim (both Sephardeshe and Litvish) and voted against the candidate they had been instructed to support. The reason was obvious: as mayor, Abutul had performed miserably and basic municipal functions in Beis Shemesh were dysfunctional and infrastructure was falling apart. It reminded us in the infamous words of the great R’ Tip O’Neil that “all politics are local”. Thus, its not surprising that Abutul’s feaux twitter handle was strategically selected by the hacker as #RealAbutt.

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