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Poll: 47 Percent of Israelis Feel Third Elections for Knesset Unavoidable

Amit Segal is a senior Israel News12 political correspondent, and he held a poll on Telegram involving 14,960 respondents. The poll reveals that many Israelis feel that a third round of elections in Israel is unavoidable.

Segal posed the question “who will be prime minister” after another round of elections?
29% Binyamin Netanyahu
19% Benny Gantz
6% Another candidate from within Likud

This is interesting since only a few short days ago, Netanyahu returned the presidential mandate, unable to form a coalition government. Now, Gantz is to receive the mandate and he will have 28 days to form his coalition.

42% of the respondents feel that new elections, a third round, are all but unavoidable due to the current political stalemate.

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

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