Sour Grapes in the Non-Frum Camp – Disappointment in the Dati Leumi Tzibur

imageFor the chiloni non-frum camp the victory in the Chief Rabbinate election on Wednesday, 17 Menachem Av 5773 for the chareidi camp has left many angered. Amid calls from Meretz leader Zahava Gal-On to shut down the Chief Rabbinate, and from Uri Regev, CEO of Hiddush- Freedom of Religion who stated “The election of the new Chief Rabbis brings an end to the shameful campaign that shows an unprecedented, low standing of this corrupt institution. The skullduggery, nepotism, and defamation that accompanied these elections prove that there are few government bodies that muster as much disdain towards Judaism and distances Jewish Israelis from their religion as the Chief Rabbinate.

“Anyone who sees the well-being of Judaism as paramount understands the time has come to provide the Chief Rabbinate with a proper burial and do away with the religious coercion and the Orthodox monopoly on Judaism…”

The Tzohar Rabbonim camp is disappointed over the fact that the majority of world Jewry remains in jeopardy as Rav Stav would have devoted a great deal of his efforts to saving the Reform Jews, the majority of Am Yisrael that is being lost, in no small part due to the lack of connection to the State of Israel. Rav Stav announced following his defeat that he will continue working for the tzibur and saving Diaspora Jewry as he has for the years prior to the election.

Needless to say, for The Movement party leader Justice Minister Tzipi Livni and Yesh Atid party leader Yair Lapid, the loss of Rabbi David Stav was a significant blow to their effort to uproot Halacha and turn Yiddishkheit in Eretz Yisrael to a diluted version of what Gedolei Hador Shlita feel must be maintained.

In the dati leumi camp, Deputy Minister of Religious Affairs Rabbi Eli Ben-Dahan told the press “we gave it our best and we are disappointed”. Rav Ben-Dahan stated on numerous occasions ahead of the election that he and his colleagues are working towards the election of at least one Zionist chief rabbi. In his vision, this did not occur. In an interview with Galei Tzahal (Army Radio) the deputy minister stated the outcome of the elections shows just how powerful Rav Ovadia is.

In the Rav Eliyahu camp, officials stated that it is now obvious that the negative an inflammatory statements against Rabbi Shmuel Eliyahu by Attorney General Yehuda Weinstein had an impact on the voters.

Prof. Asher Cohen, who is viewed as an expert on the dati leumi community, writes in the Thursday edition of Maariv “the Chief Rabbinate has been on a downward spiral for a generation…” He explains that instead of following the example set by Rabbi Avraham Yitzchak HaKohen Kook ZT”L, the institute has become a stronghold for the distribution of jobs and careers. He mocks the kashrus supervision of the Chief Rabbinate, and explains that the new Rishon L’Tzion will undoubtedly have more loyalty towards Badatz Beit Yosef than the Chief Rabbinate Kashrus.

Many ‘blame’ Maran HaGaon HaRav Ovadia Yosef Shlita, for the 93-year-old Gadol Hador used all his persuasion and political might to push his son’s candidacy. Speaking to Israel Radio’s Reshet Bet on Thursday morning, Shas leader Aryeh Deri confirmed that Rav Ovadia “had an exceptionally difficult day yesterday” as he waited for the outcome of the election.

Prominent dati leumi posek Rabbi Shlomo Aviner Shlita announced that despite the loss in the election for the dati leumi tzibur at large, the tzibur must respect the Chief Rabbinate and its newly-elected rabbonim. Rav Aviner explains how Rav Kook ZT”L was the first and those following him, those filling the post represented a decline in the level of the Chief Rabbinate, but this is not justification for one not to respect the institute and its rabbonim. He adds the Sanhedrin will not appear suddenly, but it is a process.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

25 Responses

  1. “Orthodox monopoly on Judaism”

    And its time to stop the Yoshka believers monopoly on Christianity, and the Mohamed believes monopoly on Islam

  2. Yada Yada Yada

    The only reason the Chareidim needed to install a token caretaker candidate in the Office of the Chief Rabbinate, was to insure some fool didn’t obtain the office and use its legal powers to damage Judaism with. In that sense we were successful. But the Chief Rabbinate itself is not holy or choshov on its own accord and indeed many small shul rabbonim are bigger rabbonim that the office holders.

  3. Daati Leumi / Religious Zionists are as naive as they come. They don’t even realize that chilonim hate them more than charedim. Gush Katif proves it. The Hilltop youths, although they serve in the army, are despised by the secular no less than the black-hatters and even more so.

    “Orthodox monopoly on Judaism” Of course! Charedim are the only ones who keep the Torah without compromising. If not for Orthodox Jews there would be no religious Jews today, only compromizing Jews. After all, Daati Leumi follow the laws of the government first, and then, if it suits them, follow the Torah.

    Bayit Yehudi is a perfect example of what Daati Leumi represents. They don’t give a hoot about budget cuts for yeshivot and child allowance, chillul Shabbat, the sale of pork , immodesty and immorality in Eretz Yisrael. The only thing that concerns them and worries them is negotiating land, like a red kerchief for an ox. For Daati Leumi, Torah and mitzvot can be compromised, but for yishuv Eretz Yisrael there’s no compromising. With such priorities, of course Orthodox have the monopoly on Judaism.

    For serious matters, if a religious person enters a store to buy matzot for Pesach and has a choice of 2 hechsherim from a Daati Leumi Rav or a Charedi Rav for the same price, which one would he pick?

  4. If chas veshalom Rav Stav would have been elected as Chief Rabbi, religious observance in Israel would be on downward spiral hundredfold. The 2 great Rabbis elected are excellent representatives of the shita of Rav Kook zt”l and will maintain yiddishkeit in Israel.

  5. As a supporter of Rav Shapira and Rav Eliahu’s candidacies, I, too am disappointed in the results – but I accept them nonetheless. Rav Stav is also a Talmid Chacham deserving of respect, and the vitriol of the Chareidi community (and a number of commentators on YWN) towards him did not create a Kidush Hashem. One thing I can say about the Dati Leumi community is that they’ve shown considerably more grace to their loss of this election than the Chareidi parties did to their loss in the general election. No histrionics, no pouting that if they don’t get what they want, they’ll take their ball and go home – they express their disappointment, say they need to work harder next time, and say that they hope to work with the successful candidates for the good of all.

    I think Shas and Yahadut HaTorah can learn a lesson from this.

    an Israeli Yid

  6. #7 How can you compare the PERSONAL LOSS of Rav Stav for not being elected as Chief Rabbi (obviously he wasn’t suited for this position, b”H) to the horrendous shameful outcome of the general election WHERE TORAH AND YIDDISHKEIT OF KLAL YISRAEL is at stake with this modern Haman Lapid at the helm, Hashem yerachem? Of course charedim have to be up in arms. Not only charedim, but every single religious Jew in the entire world, including Daati Leumi (if they consider themselves religious), should be up in arms with such reshaim controlling the government of Israel.

  7. #5 I think you have your facts wrong. The settler community scores highest in the bagrut exams, serves in the Officers Core, and works side by side with the Chiloni community at the Technion, Intel, Microsoft, Rafael technologies and Cisco. By the way, those are technology schools and companies.

  8. On the mark IsraeliYid.

    Would have preferred Rav Eliyahu since he is more connected with sefardic Klal Yisroel than any other candidate. Rav Lau is an Ish Shalom, Ish Emes and Talmid Chocham who will work bshalom with all Israelis.

  9. It’s really depressing to see that the nine days , including a difficult fast, left no impression in some circles. I see no letup in the frenzied attacks on Dati Leumi, or anybody else for that matter, that doesn’t toe the well-trodden chareidi line. The shameful physical attacks on Rav Stav davka during the 9 days, for example, have not been atoned.Here on this post, I see DL kashrut and Yiddishkeit being questioned with such audacity and self-righteousness.The chareidi community needs to do introspection and tsuvah. For the most aprt, they show less than zero tolerance for any other shits, rabbi or plain Amcho- Jew that is different. The examples they set by their own infighting; i.e. Chassidish dynastic blood brother feuds, Bnai Bra’s example of hatred between Litvish vs. Chassidish vs. Chabad is nauseating.
    I’m from a chareidi background but have disconnected, preferring instead to learn from everybody and reject extremism from anybody.An air of moral superiority by chareidim will only bring more resentment, which will in turn bring Chareidi villification. And so the cycle continues. You have much to teach but you have to ACT accordingly otherwise your words are hollow and empty. Not all people are stupid. They see through the veil.
    Chareid rabbonim in Israel who care for Am Yisroel and love each Jew regardless of their religious affiliation are so much more respected. It’s time to end the sinat chinam. This goes for the other side as well. Respect religious people and their lifestyles, and continue to do what you’re doing….. Not responding to defamation and vilonce but bearing it all with dignity.


    It’s really depressing to see that the nine days , including a difficult fast, left no impression in some circles. I see no letup in the frenzied attacks on Dati Leumi, or anybody else for that matter, that doesn’t toe the well-trodden chareidi line. The shameful physical attacks on Rav Stav davka during the 9 days, for example, have not been atoned for.Here on this post, I see DL kashrut and Yiddishkeit being questioned with such audacity and self-righteousness.The chareidi community needs to do introspection and tsuvah. For the most part, they show less than zero tolerance for any other shitas, rabbi or plain Amcho- Jew that is different. The examples they set by their own infighting; i.e. Chassidish dynastic blood brother feuds, Bnai Bra’s example of hatred between Litvish vs. Chassidish vs. Chabad is nauseating. I’m from a chareidi background but have disconnected, preferring instead to learn from everybody and reject extremism from anybody.An air of moral superiority by chareidim will only bring more resentment, which will in turn bring Chareidi villification. And so the cycle continues. You have much to teach but you have to ACT accordingly otherwise your words are hollow and empty. Not all people are stupid. They see through the veil. Chareid rabbonim in Israel who care for Am Yisroel and love each Jew regardless of their religious affiliation are so much more respected. It’s time to end the sinat chinam. This goes for the other side as well. Respect religious people and their lifestyles, and continue to do what you’re doing….. Not responding to defamation and vilonce but bearing it all with dignity. – See more at:

  11. #8 a thought – I happen disagree with you with respect to the implications of the loss in the elections, but that’s not the point I’m making here. My point here is that there are ways to disagree strongly – even to fight – without using the scorched-earth tactics that the Chareidi parties have resorted to. Personal vilification of those you disagree with might make good theater, but is counterproductive.

    An example of a better way is the way that Agudah in the US, particularly under R’ Moshe Sherrer, was able to work with people like Ted Kennedy and Barney Frank – two individuals whose political and personal philosophies were very much at odds with those of the Agudah. Because it never was made personal, the Agudah was able to turn to them when there were religious freedom protection issues that the Agudah wanted their support on.

    Someone can be your opponent without being your enemy – and if you relate to them as something other than an enemy, you’ll have a much better chance at reaching a mutually acceptable result (or at least one that is less unacceptable). The Chareidi parties need to learn this lesson.

    an Israeli Yid

  12. #5-AThought— WOW ! You sound so frum and your unproven accusations are so vile. To answer your question about which hechsher I would buy? Not yours.!! What with your filthy sewer mouth you have the gall to talk about kosher food? “Bayit YeHudi ….. don’t give a hoot about… blah, blah..” The Beis Hamikdosh was destroyed about evil talk-loshon harah – like yours. About causing sinas chinam through slandering and lying.You’re a pathetic excuse for a “FRUM” person. ” Daati Leumi are naive as they come.” Really??!! Of course, in your posts here you’re showing us how clever, foxy and ‘Oysgeshpitzelt” you are.
    Oh , before I forget— I’ll buy Daati Leumi matzoh. They’re a third of the price. At least they feel for poor Jews who can’t afford diamonds for Pesach.

  13. The Chareidi hechsheirim in Israel are lucrative and powerful organizations as everybody knows. If you’re buying, say, their matzohs, you’re paying blood money.

  14. I agree with a lot of what “Athought” said. However, you have to differentiate between the Dati Leumi Kollel Yungerlite & the modern Mizrachi crowd. There is a major difference! Bennett & his irreligious wife DON’T represent the Frum Bnai Torah Dati Leumi community! There are many DL bnai Torah who are Moser Nefesh for Torah, mamesh! Their wifes dress very tzniusdik (a lot more than some of the Prutzim that prance around Flatbush!) And raise Torah mishpachos.That’s why a lot of the DL Rabbonim were uncomfortable with a lot of Anti Chareidi rhetoric coming out of the Bayit Yehudi MK’s. What Bennett & Lapid have waged war against Torah Hakdosha &

  15. To: Not getting Involved
    Aside from the fact that you DID get involved, please tell us what Bennett’s “irreligious” wife, if indeed true, has to do with anything.
    Especially since you also felt the need to throw the “Prutzin” of Flatbush under the bus.
    In other words the frum crowd in Flatbush with their Prutzim wives and Bennett with his irreligious wife are on the same playing field. Ok—-I’ll buy that.

  16. Lo Soguru:
    You admitted that you are a Shoneh Upirush, so I’m not qualified to help you as far as your confusions. But there is hope. The street sweeping Kofer, Dovy Lipman, from the Ain Atid Party, is also a Shoneh Upirush (his Rosh Yeshiva testified to that). So maybe he can help you connect the dots. Hatzlacha!

  17. Dear Not Getting Involved;
    Whatever I am , you’re apparently a Flatbush Yeshivish guy who is intolerant, judgemental and a disgrace to what was once called “frum.” You and your ilk have become extremists, calling everybody else kofrim. This is not how it once was. Your brand of frumkeit is nothing more than a cold religion which has distanced itself from poshete yidden- No warmth , no varimkeit. You guys as much warmth a frozen catfish in Lakewood. Hatzlacha to you too.

  18. Plus, Rabbi Not Get Involved—– We’re tired of your inane, ridiculous chumrahs that are stifling Yiddishkeit. We’re tired of your so-called Gedolim cursing and debasing other Yidden. You have no idea how much resentment there is of this new extreme pseudo-Judaism by ordinary good frum Yidden. You wouldn’t know, since you’re busy staring at prancing prutzim.

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