Knesset Committee to Push Ahead Draft Law

idffSeeking to expedite the second and third votes on the Share the Burden Bill to draft bnei yeshivos into the military, the Knesset committee is convening today, Thursday, 18 Menachem Av 5773. In general, Knesset committees do not convene for such meetings on Thursday but the coalition is working to pass it into law prior to the end of the Knesset summer session, which ends on 29 Menachem Av.

Taking part in the session will be first and foremost Minister of Science & Technology (Yesh Atid) Yaakov Peri, who spearheads the effort to formulate the legislation. There will also be representatives of the Prime Minister’s Office, Finance Ministry, Defense Ministry, Economic Ministry, Hesder Union, Share the Burden Organization, Union of Yeshivos Gevohos, the Hiddush Organization, the Israel Institute of Democracy, the Netzach Yehuda non-profit, Taube Center and MKs from various coalition parties.

Earlier this week, when the bill passed its first reading in Knesset, Yahadut Hatorah MK Meir Porush handcuffed himself to the podium while other party MKs tore kriya.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

2 Responses

  1. We all surly agree that the Zionist Israeli army does not want or need the yeshiva boys ןn any way shape or form. It is the secular government that is just looking for a way to destroy the entire Torah community i.e. by cutting funding that feeds the Frum families who are learning Hashems Torah with Mesirus Nefesh for the sake of Hahsem.

    They all know that they could never get a hundred thousand Chareidim to sing the horrible song of Hatikvah and follow the secular army rules. Their trick is to use the draft as an excuse to cut funds to the Shomrei Torah & Mitzvos.

    They won’t even consider drafting any of the Arabs or even cut off their funding, but will starve Jewish Frum babies’ just as the Nazis did.

    We are now seeing the hatred that the secular zionist have towards authentic Judaism. We Frum American Jews can stop this “Lapid Momzer” “Lapid Hittler” “Lapid Apikores” by threatening this cursed government that since we elect pro Israel politicians and this gets them 3 billion Dollars yearly of American support, half should go for Israeli yeshivas.

    This baloney of sharing the burden is baloney. Fifty per cent of secular kids don’t join army. Those religious Zionist kids who did join got thrown out of their homes in Gush Katif like dogs and most still live in trailers with out proper schools for the children etc.

    This is the THANK YOU they got for sacrificing for Apikorsim’ while Olmarts two sons’ dodged their army draft by moving out of Israel. You are dealing with assimilated self hating baboons. I would not trust them with a dime. They keep giving a hundred million dollars to the Gaza Arabs as they shoot missiles every week into Israeli towns. They free Arab terrorists every year in the name of peace. Its a sick government getting sicker, by showing us their true colors of “Amalek”.

    Extra funds they have to advocate tens of thousands of abortions each year and spend three million dollars for a gay parade in the heart of the Frum community in Yerushalayim once a year.

    Let’s ALL together be Mispalel Vechol Haminim Keregah Yoiveidu.

  2. They have plenty of time to reconsider. As it is the army doesn’t want hostile hareidim in the army. And a lot of secular Israelis (not to mention the Arabs) wouldn’t mind ending conscription. The zionists haven’t gotten this far by being total idiots, and conscription of the hareidi yeshiva students is total idiocy.

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