Once Again, Yeshivas In Eretz Yisroel Hit With Cut In Stipends For Avreichim

Once again, avreichim in Israel are facing a painful reality, a cut in their monthly stipend. In yeshivos, they will receive NIS 410 per talmid per month and NIS 738 for an avreich, representing a cut of tens of shekels for an avreich each month.

The head of the Yeshiva Unit in the Ministry of Education has informed the heads of the yeshivos their monthly budgetary allowance was being cut significantly.

According to a Kikar Shabbos News report, the increase in the number of chareidim and bnei yeshivos has led to the cut, as the pie is being divided among more people rather than the government allocating additional funding.

Hence, this month, a bochur yeshiva’s sum is NIS 410 instead of NIS 430 and for an avreich, NIS 738 instead of NIS 774 last month.

The Kikar News report adds Deputy Minister of Education Meir Porush is working with Finance Ministry officials to make up the difference. He explains this happens every year, and he remains optimistic he will be able to find a solution.

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(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

3 Responses

  1. This is a very misleading headline. It sounds like you are saying. Oy! look at our anti-semitic government applying draconian measures to squeeze bnei Torah! In reality, it just means more people need to share the same paycheck. That is incredible that the government of Israel is the largest single supporter of Torah today! How grateful we should be that they enabling so many bnei Torah to learn! We should also be singing for joy that more people are in Yeshivos today!

    Fake News!

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