17 Years Later, Zaka Volunteer Helps Boy He Saved In Beis Yisroel Massacre

17 years ago, Benzi Oring the Head of the Jerusalem Division of Zaka, rescued a baby during the Beis Yisroel terror attack. The attack in which Eleven Israeli civilians were killed, including two infants, three children and two teenagers also saw more than 50 people injured. One of them was a young baby that Benzi had pulled out of the wreckage and carried to an ambulance a short distance away from the explosion.

The attack occurred on March 2nd, 2002. A photo of Benzi carrying the young infant was posted in media outlets all over the world. During the attack, a Palestinian terrorist dressed up like a Charedi man and blew himself up next to a group of women and baby strollers. The women were waiting for the men to finish Davening in a nearby Shul on Motzei Shabbos.

Benzi gave the infant assisted breathing, and the child managed to survive his injuries against all odds.

17 years later, that same child, now 18-years-old asked Oring for help once more. “The police are after me,” the teen told Oring. After looking into the matter Oring discovered that the police suspected that the boy is one of the ring-leaders of a group of Charedim who protest every Shabbos on Highway 1. The boy had been arrested there in the past and at the time was released a few hours after his arrest.

Oring told Kikar HaShabbat news outlet that he feels that the boy has become part of his own family and therefore had no choice but to help. Oring took the boy to the police station and sat with him while he was interviewed by the police. Following the interview, the boy was released without any charges being pressed.

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(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

3 Responses

  1. Do you think he feels like he dodged a bullet and was given a second shot at life? No, he was a a baby at the time.

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