SEE THE VIDEO: What Would Israel Look Like Without Chareidim?

Much is being said against the chareidim during the current election campaign, words that should not be spoken.

Ever wonder what Israel would be like without the chareidim?

No Yad Sarah, no United Hatzalah, no R’ Weber (kidney transplants), R’ Elimelech Firer (Ezra LeMarpeh), Ezer Mizion, Zichron Menachem, ZAKA, Rav Grossman’s mosdos, and much more.

Watch the video below:

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

5 Responses

  1. I never heard anyone say or write that they wanted all chareidim to leave. I have heard people say that they feel frusterated that chareidim that are working off the books and not learning full time, feel no obligation to put in 18 months of army and career development.

  2. Also I wouldn’t wish anybody to be in the financial situation of those chareidim who work “off the books”. I’m not justifying any lack of yashrus (I personally think it is a terrible hishtadlus) but to simple say they are cheating the govt without taking their financial background into consideration is foolish.

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