Israel Airports Authority: No Travel to Uman with Cartons or Food in Coolers

Additional regulations are being announced for passengers heading to Uman in Tishrei, sending the information to travel agencies booking chareidi travelers.

“One may not pack one’s belongings or food in nylon (plastic) or cloth bags. This does not conform with regulations and will not be checked in as it is not a valid means of shipping food via luggage terminals, the Kalkalist financial news reports.

The Airports Authority adds that passengers will no longer be permitted to travel with cartons instead of suitcases. This refers to a suitcase that can be opened and items removed for inspection, which leads to unusually long lines. Passengers heading to Uman will also be prohibited from transporting food in coolers as is often the case.

One interested in sending food to Uman for kosher or other reasons, may make a request at the counters of the Israel Airports Authority. The authority adds one must arrive with a valid passport and the maximum weight for one’s carryon is 8kg. (17.6 lbs.) and the suitcase being checked in up to 20kg (44 lbs.).

Some 20,000 plus mispallalim travel to Uman from Tel Aviv for Rosh Hashanah to spend the Yomtov at the tziyun of Rav Nachman of Breslov. Tens of thousands of additional mispallalim converge on the tziyun from other countries as well for Rosh Hashanah.

As a result of a court ruling, this year, there cannot be flights during the hours the airport remains closed, as the Transportation Ministry recommended for the three days ahead of Rosh Hashanah. The ministry wished to accommodate the many last-minute travelers; however, Holon City Hall took the case of illegal noise pollution during nighttime hours to the High Court of Justice, leaving with a victory in hand. An unsuccessful effort was then made to find a way to transport travelers from Ben-Gurion Airport to Ramon International Airport.

Airport officials stress that too often, persons leaving and others leaving Tel Aviv on connecting flights, come with baggage weighing 30%-50% more than permitted, making it difficult for the plane’s takeoff due to excess weight.

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

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