Yair Netanyahu: Rabin Killed Holocaust Survivors on the Altalena

Yair Netanyahu, a son of Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu, has caused a stir when he released a message on erev Shabbos stating the late Prime Minister Yitzchak Rabin murdered Holocaust survivors, and brought about the deaths of 2000 Israelis, referring to the many victims of the Oslo Agreements.

“Rabin broke the law by lecturing in America while still a public servant, earning a fortune,” Yair wrote on Twitter. “When they brought it against him, he blamed the case on his wife and closed the case in a pleasant conversation in his living room with Aharon Barak. Rabin murdered Holocaust survivors on the Altalena. Rabin brought Arafat and tens of thousands of terrorists from Tunis and caused the deaths of 2,000 Israelis.”

After the release of the message, PM Netanyahu was quick to distance himself from it, stating, “I do not agree with the things written by my son Yair regarding the late Yitzchak Rabin Z”L. This is the view of Yair, and his alone and not with my knowledge.”

Noa Rothman, a granddaughter of the late prime minister and candidate on the Democratic Camp Knesset list said the Labor party would act.

“One cannot file a libel suit against a dead person”, exclaimed Labor party chairman, MK Amir Peretz, who denounced Yair’s statement, adding, “The Netanyahu family never got off the balcony”, referring to a photo of then opposition leader Binyamin Netanyahu speaking from a balcony against PM Rabin and the Oslo Accord, as if the words of Mr. Netanyahu caused an assassin to fire at Rabin and kill him.

Another grandchild, Yuval Rabin, tweeted, “To decide Rabin murdered Holocaust survivors is a direct continuation of the Rabin poster showing him in a SS uniform. This time around, don’t say you did not see. Perhaps this time, the attorney general will act against inciters”.

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

10 Responses

  1. What’s the objection? Does anyone deny it? It’s true, so why should it not be said? The pagan cult of Saint Yitzchak is sickening and must stop.

  2. Did he or didn’t he fire at Altalena?
    If the assumption is right that he or his group under his command did fire, his assassination was midoh k’neged midoh! Hashem is patient but reckoning does come one day unless the person does Teshuvoh.

  3. Rabin was well known before Yair Netenyahu brought out Rabin’s evil hand in the Atelena tragedy. He gave the orders that caused many Jewish deaths.

    Basically Yair says what many know and others do not want to hear: Rabin was rotten. He cared nothing for the people in the settlements and had an ego too big to put in one head. It was unfortunate that he was assassinated, he should have been summoned to a trial on killing people on the Atelena.

  4. The Altalena isn’t the first or last time Zionists murdered Jews in cold blood. They also murdered Reb Yaakov Yisroel de Haan HY”D in 1924.

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