New Poll Shows Lieberman’s Power Slipping

A new poll came out on Thursday, just one-and-a-half weeks prior to the election in Israel that pointed to subtle but significant changes in the political map of how the votes will fall in 11 days time.

The poll showed that both larger parties grew in strength at the expense of some of the smaller parties. Among the small parties that were weakened was Avigdor Lieberman”s Yisrael Beiteinu party that has slipped to single digit results for the first time since polls have been taken for this upcoming election.

The Otzma Yehudit party still isn’t passing the electoral threshold of 3.25 percent of the vote. The poll showed that if the elections were held today than this would be the result:

Likud would tie Blue and White with 32 seats each, The United Arab List would come in third with 10 seats, Yamina would garner 9 as would Yisrael Beiteinu, UTJ would get 8 and Shas 7, the Democratic party would get 7 while LAbor/Gesher would get 6.

According to the above numbers the right-wing and religious parties would get 56 seats while the left-wing and Arab parties would get 55 seats and Lieberman would get 9.

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

One Response

  1. Liberman is a real Jew hater; if you are pro being Jewish so Liberman is hateful towards you. But if you are pro defending our borders he is right there on the top.

    Shame! shows what the communist education system did to Jewish peoples minds. Territoriality he is Jewish, but belief wise, he is a communist..

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