Trump’s Mideast Envoy Jason Greenblatt Announces Resignation

Jason Greenblatt, U.S. President Donald Trump’s special envoy to the Middle East and a key figure in the administration’s work on an Israeli-Palestinian peace plan, has announced his resignation.

The White House announced Thursday that Greenblatt will leave his post in the coming weeks, after working on the Middle East issue for over two years.

Greenblatt is a key member of the White House Middle East “peace team,” which consists of Jared Kushner, U.S. Ambassador to Israel David Friedman and Kushner deputy Avi Berkowitz. In June, the White House rolled out the economic component of its peace plan. It has yet to reveal the political component due to upcoming Israeli elections.

Greenblatt said in a statement: “It has been the honor of a lifetime to have worked in the White House for over two and a half years under the leadership of President Trump. I am incredibly grateful to have been part of a team that drafted a vision for peace. This vision has the potential to vastly improve the lives of millions of Israelis, Palestinians and others in the region. I would like to thank my incredible wife Naomi and my amazing six children for their strength and encouragement. I will thoroughly miss working with my friends and colleagues Jared Kushner, David Friedman and Avi Berkowitz, as well as the many other dedicated individuals within the US government who were instrumental in our efforts.”

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12 Responses

  1. Well, what does he and Kushner have to show for 2+ years of “work” on a new peace plan. They have been promising to release a proposal for over a year and simply ignore their deadlines and keep mumbling vague promises about a “vision for peace”. What is the “vision” he is proud of having drafted? Does this nevuah exist and when will they share it with the world?

  2. Wonder why he got the axe. But, where’s the great wonderful peace deal of the century?! Probably same place as the great healthcare plan.

  3. Millhouse: Because when he took the job, he repeatedly insisted that unlike prior administrations, his team would deliver a comprehensive peace plan that would address the “hard decisions” on all the outstanding issues rather than leaving them to the parties. There is no plan other than the sideshow Kushner held in Kuwait several months ago where he asked the wealthy Arab countries to fund Palestinian economic development. Instead, he is running off now to pursue “opportunities (aka $$$) in the private sector” .

  4. Only low IQ ingrates would not see US Embassy move to Yerushalaim, recognizing Israel’s sovereignty over Golan, defunding terrorist PA and UNWRA as Trump’s greatest achievements in ME peace.

  5. @ #1 GH – Clearly, you either didn’t READ or didn’t COMPREHEND the article. It plainly says why the plan couldn’t be fully released yet. You just couldn’t resist trolling here because you hate frum Jews and hate President Trump’s supporters – Double whammy!!

  6. MIG- since when do Yidden need the haskama of a goy, and a lowlife low IQ one at that, that Yerushalayim ir hakodesh is ours? I’m more than satisfied with the Ribbono shel Olam.

  7. Curiosity….its been more than two years since they began this effort and they’ve been promising to outline their vision since late 2018. Yes, I read and comprehend the article that says the plan “is not ready to be released” but I also comprehend that after repeatedly promising a PLAN, they have yet to deliver and he is jumping ship before his work is done. Greenblatt and Kushner have said that their plan would include components objectionable to both side but that they would nonetheless take a position on the hard issues. Instead, they are simply kicking the can down the road and not providing any timetable for action, Seems like more of the same.

  8. rt, since we are talking about Trumps’s contribution to ME peace process, your ” low IQ” preventing you from realizing that when the major superpower of the word affirms Jewish ownership of EY and Yerushailaim it is a historic event that advances ME and Word peace, this has never happened in history .

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