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UPDATED: Independence Day Parachutist Accident on Tel Aviv Beach

mda cover.jpg[UPDATED BELOW] (Thursday, May 08, 2008 – 14:44 Israel Time🙂 An IDF paratrooper completing his last jump in an Independence Day display on the Jerusalem Beach in Tel Aviv appears to have crashed into at least 10 people on Thursday afternoon.

Magen David Adom has dispatched numerous ambulances to the scene. According to preliminary reports, two people sustained serious injuries and three light. All the injured are being transported to Ichilov Hospital.

According to the limited information available, a strong wind thrust the IDF paratrooper off course but a comprehensive investigation will ultimately determine the cause of the holiday accident.

UPDATE 15:40 Israel Time: It appears that at least ten people were injured in the Independence Day accident that occurred on Thursday afternoon, when an IDF parachutist was completing his last jump on the Jerusalem Beach in Tel Aviv.

A strong wind appears to have pushed the paratrooper off course, driving him towards the crowd, striking a number of spectators in the head. Three people were reportedly transported from the scene in serious condition, unconscious and with head injuries. Seven others are reported in moderate and light condition. The injured were transported to Ichilov and Wolfson Hospitals.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

7 Responses

  1. cherryhillbilly-

    shame on you

    your concern for the injured yidden is duly noted 🙁

    Your comment indicates how anti zionism turned to hatred of zionists and fellow yidden.

    shame on you

  2. Comment one is inappropriate. Someone who risks his life in an elite unit (they also fight) and innocent Jews were injured.

  3. #1 What you said has much truth but there is a place for it. Obviously from these and other responses on YWN this is not the forum. The concern for the yidden who were hurt is definitely the most important issue right now. I wish I had the same immediate reaction as the Tehillim Zugger!

  4. #1 -That’s the lesson you take from this -shame on you. And how about a little Hakaras Hatov for an army that protects all Jews living in E”Y including the Torah public (and including you should you go there). Are there many Chayalim who feel “Kochi veotzem yadi” is the order of the day -undoubtedly so. But many many others, and today it is many of the best elite soldiers daven and cry out to HK’H before they go into battle and every day. Go back and read the posts about the Yeshiva bachurim from Merkaz Harav who were R”L murderd. The talmidim of that yeshiva and many others like itserve in the army. You want to disagree with Zionism -your prerogative, but a litle-no, a LOT -of Hakaras Hatov is in order for the Chayalim and the IDF regardless of their level of frumkeit.

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