STRAIGHT-UP HATE: Women’s Rights Groups Seem to Only Target the Chareidim

While women’s rights organizations in Israel have been on the warpath against chareidi concerts with separate seating, gender separation does not appear to be an issue for the women in the Arab sector, including the eastern capital. During bein hazmanim, the champions of women’s rights have taken their case to court in both Afula and Haifa, towards stopping chareidi concerts intended for the frum tzibur.

The women first took on a Moti Steinmetz concert in Afula because of the separate seating, then moving to a MBD concert in Haifa scheduled for earlier this week, which was canceled by a Haifa court.

Some are asking why the women, who claim to be so concerned with the discrimination against women continue to completely ignore the Arab sector, which does have gender-separation at times in events in Haifa and elsewhere.

What would be the reaction of these women if a branch of Bituach Leumi in a chareidi area had separate entrances for men and women? One might presume there would be an outcry followed by an immediate court petition to stop the practice. However, this is exactly what is taking place in one Bituach Leumi branch in the eastern capital, where the men and women maintain a distance from one another via separate entrances, yet there are no court petitions.

According to a Kikar Shabbos News report, they contacted a spokesperson for the women’s activists to comment on the situation at the Bituach Leumi office in East Jerusalem, but a response was not received.

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(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

5 Responses

  1. Dear HolyCity, we would achieve a much beter result if non of the chreidim will vote and fight the chiloinim from the out side with a little help from abroad it was proven many times in the past that this is the strongest power against chiloinim. Besides all this womens rights business is not of such importance the whole thing is joke we can all live with that let them win it is only when it comes to chilul Sabbos and similar that we are bothered and fight firmly and strongly.

  2. of course they only target the charadim! they are liberal lefties and afraid of the religious.

    but to demand the Arabs act with equality escapes them, since it is only us that these creeps hate…. It would not bother them if their son or daughter married an arab, but if the same son or daughter became religious, they would be ashamed!

    SHAME !!!!!

  3. @ Dear Miriam , the problem is that Chareidim in the keneset are minority and they have very little power compared to the secular parties therefore they couldn’t avoid this overwhelming problem. more chareidim need to join and vote so chareidim should have a big amount of seats in the keneset in order to prevent this type of anti-religion attacks in the future. we need that all these hundreds of thousands of ,Satmar, Brisk and yerushalmi yidden living in eretz israel who don’t vote should go to vote and gain more keneset seats so the chareidi parties could prevent any further secular attacks in the future.

  4. Whata BUSHA!!! No words can adequately describe the hate of the Zionists towards chareidim. Now its under “the name of the “womens” side. Tmrw its gonna be another idiotic tiritz. Even the Muslim women know better. How shameful!
    In the holy land a concert cannot take place due to gender segregation. Please people, help me on this! Can we stoop any lower?
    Now how do u feel all you Chareidi MKs sitting in the Kenesset haminim? In ur so called Yidishe Medinah, u cant even exercise the minimal teachings of our holy Torah as to not seat men and women together. Please tell me Its all a bad joke.

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