Yated Neeman Goes After AG Mandelblit Over His Position Regarding Separate-Seating At Concerts

The newspaper that speaks for the Degel Yisrael party, Yated Neeman, on Monday launched and attack against Attorney General Avichai Mandelblit regarding his position pertaining to gender separate concerts and events. The matter is relevant as a Haifa court on Sunday ruled to cancel the planned MBD concert set for Monday in the port city.

The AG in the words of the newspaper “crossed a red line” and the State of Israel has decided some time ago that it wishes to be Chardu-rein (חרדו-ריין), a land free of chareidim, for if not, how else would one explain the agenda in light of the recent attacks on the chareidi way of life…”

The column states that Mandelblit has an appearance of a Yirei Shomayim, and he sturdies kabbalah in a beis medrash and yet the state has crossed a red line, as it now appears the chareidi tzibur is not permitted to host an event appropriate for its tzibur”.

The paper uses a somewhat poetic tone as it criticizes Mandelblit’s outwardly frum exterior “and the beard which cannot hid Herzlyian ideas prohibiting Jews to live their lifestyle, but even the tzitzis must be inspected!”

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

3 Responses

  1. As disappointing as I also find the decision, I think we can’t blame Mandelbilt. His job is to administer the law process in accordance with the law as it stands. If he doesn’t he is breaking the law.
    It is the law itself and the politicians who made it that are to blame.
    This needs to be part of any agreement in the incoming coalition on behalf of the Chareidim.

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