PHOTO: Doctors in Kaplan Hospital in Rehovot Remove an IDF Officer’s Pin from 10-Month-Old’s Digestive Tract

Doctor’s in Kaplan Hospital in Rehovot had a difficult time believing their eyes when examining an x-ray showing a 10-month-old had ingested a pin that is given to IDF platoon commanders.

It is explained the infant is the child of career IDF officers who brought him to the emergency room after he began vomiting, and the vomit contained blood. Being that they live near the hospital, they took the child immediately.

Pediatrician Dr. Uri Bella, who heads the pediatric emergency room, ordered an x-ray, which revealed the child had ingested a foreign object that was stuck in his digestive system. Due to the size and shape of the foreign object, a team including gastro, ENT, pediatric and intensive care medicine specialists entered the operating room to assist.

After a painstaking surgery, the foreign object was removed. The infant was placed on a respirator in an intensive care unit and later moved to a surgical unit in the hospital, and from there he was discharged.

The parents admit they were hysterical with concern, stating their son drank a bottle on a bed and then began vomiting blood.

B’chasdei Hashem, the surgical team succeeded in removing the entire platoon commander’s pin including the two removable clasps on the pins that puncture one’s garment.

The infant was given assisted breathing for three days as he recovered. Dr. Eli Shapira, who is in charge of the pediatric intensive care unit, explained the surgery and rehab were complicated due to the size of the object that was lodged in the small child’s digestive tract.

It appears mom left the pin on a bed, where her son got hold of it and ate it. Mom explains that from now on, the pin will be kept on a high place.

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(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

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