Bnei Brak Couple Nabbed with Large Amount Of Drugs & Cash in Their Vehicle

A husband and wife from Bnei Brak were apprehended by police on motzei Shabbos in Ramat Hasharon with thousands of shekels worth of drugs in their vehicle.

Police manning a routine checkpoint in Ramat Hasharon detected the couple in the vehicle, both in their 20s, as they tried to evade the inspection point. A vehicular pursuit including running red traffic signals resulted. The couple however was apprehended a short time later and taken into custody. They were carrying 700 grams (24.5 ounces) of marijuana and tens of thousands in cash along with a number of smartphones.

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(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem/Photo Credit: Police Spokesman Unit)

11 Responses

  1. Did you really have to publicize that they had smartphones? That can get them potentially ostracized from the community.

  2. If their intention was to sell the drugs for financial gain, then they belong in prison for a long time. These drugs harm and actually kill people. They are potential murderers. Drug dealers are the garbage of the earth!!

  3. 24 oz of pot??? Makes them murderous drug dealers?? Not a big deal, not even a story…other than they were from BB

  4. Amil Zola – are you totally out of touch with modern halachic reality? There is no more stringent issur in modern life than being in possession of a smart phone. It possuls you from being a kosher witness at a chuppa. Having a few grams of drugs is of no consequence. They had less than the weight of a bag of sugar. If their intention was to sell the smartphones for financial gain, then they belong in prison for a long time. These smartphones harm and actually kill people. They are potential murderers. Smartphone dealers are the garbage of the earth!!

  5. “A husband and wife from Bnei Brak were apprehended by police on motzei Shabbos in Ramat Hasharon with thousands of shekels worth of drugs in their vehicle.”

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