Terror Victim’s Father: Only Expelling The Families Of Terrorists Will Be Effective

The father of Dvir Sorek HY”D, the hesder yeshiva talmid murdered in the terrorist stabbing attack a few weeks ago near the entrance to Kibbutz Migdal Ohz in Gush Etzion, journalist Yoav Sorek, used his Facebook page to get his message out. He explained that it appears the murder of his son opened an awful wave of terror attacks. “If we succeed in implementing a policy of expulsion for the families of terrorists’, then we will save many lives” he explains. He is calling to change the rules of the game towards saving lives.

He posted: I did not write anything political or about security after the murder of our Dvir, but now, when the appalling truth has become clear, that the ‘success’ of our soul seekers at Migdal Ohz opened a terrible wave, and when everyone is trying to determine where we went wrong, and how to save [ourselves], I use this forum to say what I have said before, not once and not twice. If we succeed in overcoming the fears and obstacles and establishing a consistent policy of expelling the families of terrorists, we will save many lives, stop the bloody circle and begin moving towards a tolerable coexistence with those willing to live alongside us. Not a coexistence where the ISA prevents 600 attacks annually, meaning living alongside those who seek every opportunity to kill us, when our security forces save us and them from terror, but coexistence where they almost stop trying and change the disc.”

Speaking with Galei Tzahal (Army Radio), Sorek added the most effective deterrence, which governments have hesitated to carry out fearing legal, international and other ramifications, is the deportation of family members of the terrorists, a policy that he believes would serve as a significant deterrence to future attacks.

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

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