Geula Resident of Yerushalayim Displays Desecrated Flag

The following photos show a desecrated Israeli flag that a resident of the Geula neighborhood of Jerusalem decided to display from his window on Wednesday.

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem/Photo Credit: יוסף גבאי via ” “מחאות החרדים הקיצונים)

10 Responses

  1. there is no kedushah in the tzioni flag – the flag itself is a desecration – it cannot be desecrated more than its very existence

  2. Dr(?)Yidd(?)
    As deplorable as his act may seem, he has the right to display his opinion. You also have the right to disagree with him as he does to disagree with you.
    But to wish no help upon someone?
    If Chas vechalilah you were in need of help, would you want him not to help you because you disagree with him?
    If you had a need for Tehillim, would you decline his? Maybe you would….

  3. You can be against the medinah but why make the gesture of hate and display such a thing if not to poke a finger in another Yid’s eye. I’m sorry but this is unnecessary and blatantly looking to stir up sinah. Really unbecoming for a frum person!

  4. I agree with DrYidd. Regardless of one’s shitta, if you display your hatred you shouldn’t get help from the people you spit in the face. It is total hypocrisy when Israeli police and IDF were called upon when tragedies have happened in the area ( missing kid, terror attack…)

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