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State Witness in Olmert Case Receives a Bracha from Rav Kanievsky Shlita

kaniev.jpgThe main witness in the state’s ongoing investigation against Prime Minister Ehud Olmert, the resident of the United States, was escorted today to Bnei Brak, arriving at the home of HaRav Chaim Kanievsky Shlita, where he received the Rav’s bracha.

The man began explaining his ordeal, without going into details since he is prohibited by police and the state prosecutor from doing so, leading him to break down in tears. While not revealing details, he explained the complexity of the situation and his role in testifying, leading to Maran Kanievsky giving him a bracha, wishing him “hatzlacha”.

It should be pointed out that arrangements for the visit were apparently made in advance, and upon his arrival, at 14:15, he was ushered right in without any need to wait.

When word got out of the “arrival of the witness,” people began gathering in the hope of seeing the foreigner in question, who has been identified by the New York Post and New York Times. While most people missed his arrival and departure, photographers did manage to get photos to document the event.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

9 Responses

  1. Did he come to ask advice? and/or to get a bracha? Did he want to check about the halachas of mesira? The witness is an individual from Woodmere, who spent Pesach in Israel with his family. Does he now receive immunity?

  2. This person, Mr. Talansky, used to be executive director of Shaarei Tzedek Hospital in Jerusalem.

    That’s probably where he bribed Olmert –then Mayor of Jerusalem–for favors.

    He took a tremendous risk in coming forward. Many people have been murdered for less. Thank G-D, he’s still alive and he got a Bracha from the Gadol Hador.

    Now the left-wing apparachiks in the Israeli courts are trying to stall the case, while they pressure Olmert to give away Jerusalem and the West Bank to the Arabs, in exchage for a pass on this bribery charge.

    It will be interesting to see if they succeed.

  3. all u do is criticize criticize, likeu can do a better job from new york. DOnt judge the government if u r not in their position. I also do not agree with alot of their policies but dont blame all israel’s problems on them. If this person did something against the law he will be punished that is all, dont start to make all these bogus ideas that now they are withholding the case to give land away..
    hag sameach 🙂

  4. Hey Zionist,
    Do you read Haeretz and Maariv plus Yediot? They have all reported that there is major hesitancy to prosecute the PM due to his “SUCCESS” in the peace process.

  5. I think Deepthinker got it right. Sharon gave away Gush Katif in response to probes against him, and I see the same happening here.

    Olmert can become the people’s “darling” very quickly by giving Eretz Yisroel away to the Arabs.

    Oy – so sad – and this is what the secular/mizrachi towns round me are celebrating. Last night I couldn’t sleep from all the loud music and fireworks.

  6. Oy – so sad – and this is what the secular/mizrachi towns round me are celebrating. Last night I couldn’t sleep from all the loud music and fireworks. …………

    Probably celebrating, that they have a home to live in, social programs to provide medical and educational needs, bituach leumi that they can use for their childrens needs, etc….
    Those frummie who are part of the current govt, can be accused of ‘giving E”Y away to the Arabs’ for a few added shkels.

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