Chareidi Parents & Five Children Attacked By Bees In Safsufa Fishing Park

Seven chareidim, parents and five children, were attacked by bees while visiting the Safsufa Fishing Park on Tuesday. They were transported to Ziv Hospital in Tzefas for treatment.

When EMS personnel arrived, they treated the parents and the children, ages 4 to 10.

United Hatzalah EMT Micha Shulam explains that he was nearby on vacation and responded. “When I arrived, there were other EMTs on the scene treating members of the family, all stung by bees. They explained that they came upon a beehive, explaining what occurred…”

MDA EMT Tony Sliman added the family was nearing the end of their visit to the park when they encountered the hive. “We gave them preliminary treatment and
then observed them as we transported them to a hospital”.

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

2 Responses

  1. And if they weren’t chareidim they wouldn’t have been attacked? Or YWN wouldn’t have cared to report about it? Sometimes media makes unnecessary divisions.

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