Chareidi Father & Sons Rescued After Four Hours in Nachal Sorek

A chareidi father and his sons took a hike into Nachal Sorek and were eventually in need of rescue as their bein hazmanim family outing did not end as planned, running out of water under difficult heat conditions.

The chareidi dad and his sons were stuck in Nachal Sorek for four hours. The father managed to phone the United Hatzalah dispatcher on Tuesday evening, however he called from a kosher cellphone, a device without GPS. As a result, the dispatcher was not able to track his location.

The trail winds around the wadi which is located in the Lachish region. Due to the family being lost for a lengthy period of time the caller told the dispatch that they had run out of water and food.

The dispatcher immediately notified the closest responders all along the trail and the police. A united rescue operation was immediately undertaken. Volunteers from United Hatzalah together with volunteers from the Etzion and Yehuda Search and Rescue Units and police officers began searching through the large area that contains forests and wadis spread across a mountainous region. Rescue workers utilized bicycles, ATVs, jeeps, ambucycles and volunteers on foot to search for the missing family members.

After four hours of searching, the father and his three children were found, thankfully they were all n good condition. They were given food and water and received a full medical checkup by United Hatzalah volunteers in the field.

Eli Almoznino who heads United Hatzalah’s Search and Rescue Department spoke about the success of the operation: “We are very happy that the family was rescued and are all healthy. It is a great feeling to have a successful operation such as this. For our volunteers and our organization, these search and rescue operations are exactly like all of our other lifesaving work.  I am grateful to the police and to the Etzion and Yehuda Search and Rescue Unit for their continued cooperation whenever these searches are necessary. Inter-Organizational Cooperation helps ensure success in these instances.”

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(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

5 Responses

  1. Here’s why (from someone who grew up in Arizona and took many desert hikes): The more your skin is covered, the less moisture evaporates from your body. You may think you’re sweating more when you’re covered, but your body’s moisture depletes more quickly when the skin is exposed. If you’ve seen realistic Westerns, the men all wear wide-brimmed hats and long-sleeved shirts.

  2. @Naftush-2: I really don’t think that’s the reason these guys wore it. These guys would probably wear it while swimming too. However, I thank for your excellent explanation.

  3. RRR: “he called from a kosher cellphone, a device without GPS. As a result, the dispatcher was not able to track his location.” So your comment should be kosher phone is the way to be lost.

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