Ehud Barak: We Are the Strongest in the Middle East

iaf.jpgAccording to Defense Minister Ehud Barak, Israel at present does not face any existential threats, adding we remain the strongest nation in the Middle East.

Barak did acknowledge that we are still facing challenges, and there are concerns.

In an Independence Day interview, the senior minister rejected allegations that residents of Ashkelon are being ill treated, stating there is a war in the area which presents challenges. Barak was careful not to promise an immediate solution, but expressed confidence that a solution will be found, boasting the abilities of the IDF. He explained that while there must be a political track, he does not see an agreement leading to a cessation of warfare without ongoing military operations.

Barak criticized cuts in the defense budget, stressing the need for increased training, stating he intends to wage a battle for NIS 2 billion, which he explains is needed to maintain the military at the level required.

Barak rejected any calls for engaging in talks with Hamas, emphasizing the terror organization continues to call for the annihilation of Israel. He stated the PA’s Abu Mazen is indeed a peace partner.

Regarding Fatah leader Marwan Barghouti, who is serving multiple life sentences for his connection to fatal terror attacks, he stated he cannot sympathize with those demanding his release, adding he does not view those who visit and speak with him as a “stroke of genius”, adding that as long as Israel is not certain a mistake was made by sending him to prison “we must curtail our enthusiasm.”

Regarding the Hizbullah threat, the former IDF chief of staff stated when he ordered the unilateral IDF retreat, in his capacity as prime minister, Hizbullah had 6,000 rockets. During the Second Lebanon War that number was 14,000, and today, that number is believed to be 40,000.

Barak stated Syria is very directly tied to Hizbullah, making today’s realities different then back in the days then Prime Minister Yitzchak Rabin was conducting talks. It is in Israel’s interest to achieve an agreement with the Syrians, stating matter-of-factly that 80% of the country feels if a true peace agreement can be achieved, it must contain painful concessions, referring to Israel relinquishing control of the Golan Heights.

When asked about the Iranian threat, Barak avoided responding to the ‘what if’ questions but stressed Israel remains the strongest nation within 1000 miles, stating with absolute certainty there is no nation in the area capable of destroying Israel. This he cautioned does not permit us to become complacent.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

9 Responses

  1. דברים פרק ח
    יז) וְאָמַרְתָּ בִּלְבָבֶךָ כֹּחִי וְעֹצֶם יָדִי עָשָׂה לִי אֶת הַחַיִל הַזֶּה

    משלי פרק כח
    יד) אַשְׁרֵי אָדָם מְפַחֵד תָּמִיד וּמַקְשֶׁה לִבּוֹ יִפּוֹל בְּרָעָה

  2. וזכַרְתָּ את ה’אֱלֹהֶיךָ כִּי הוּא הַנֹּתֵן לְךָ כֹּחַ לַעֲשׂוֹת חָיִל לְמַעַן הָקִים אֶת־בְּרִיתוֹ אֲשֶׁר־נִשְׁבַּע לַאֲבֹתֶיךָ כַּיּוֹם הַזֶּה:

  3. Mr Barak,

    You are a NOTHING without the Ribono Shel Olam and DONT YOU DARE FORGET IT!

    Something tells me you have to “remember” something before “forgetting.”

  4. Two people beat me to the punch line but I’m glad to see people are thinking clearly and know the exact ramification of what Barak said. As I’ve said before and I’ll repeat here, Those that trust in Hashem can do much for the Jewish people and unfortunately the reverse is true as well. case in point:
    There was a man named Ehud, who killed eglon melech moav and 10,000 moavi soldiers. What does the posuk say afterwards? Vatishkote ha’aretz shmonim shana.
    Then there was a man named Barak , who killed Sisra and his army. What does the posuk say afterwards? Vatishkote ha’aretz arbaim shana.
    Then there was a Koifer named Ehud Barak who offered the temple mount to Arafat y”sh. What happened afterwards? Thank you Ehud Barak. With friends like you we do not need enemies.

  5. 3. 1-2: Exactly.
    How can anyone in their right mind not see that the existance of Israel is only bederech neis?
    Maybe there is no one country that is likely to be able to destroy it bederech hateva *Maybe*, but take a few together or all of them…. How can anyone not see this?

  6. If we are so big why did we run during the Lebanon war? It is dangerous to be too confident about your strength. Hashem is the ONLY ONE who is the strongest.

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