Is The IDF Prepared For The Increasing Number Of Dati Leumi Girls Serving?

The IDF continues setting its sights on girls from the dati leumi community, as an increasing number of rabbonim from this tzibur are R”L encouraging or at least permitting young girls to serve in the IDF instead of Sheirut Leumi. However, it appears the military is not logistically prepared to receive the religious girls in basic training, referring to the girls who attended so-called Midrashot.

Unfortunately, today, almost every Midrashah advertises a track for girls to enlist and serve in the IDF, and this plan is widespread today, leading to an increasing number of girls serving rather than serving in Sheirut Leumi as has been the norm until a few years ago.

According to a post released on Monday by Rav Avraham Stav, of Yeshivat Har Etzion, he tells of girls from Midrashot serving in the IDF, and arriving at a base only to learn there are no skirts available for them, only skirts from ‘madei aleph, used to travel to and from bases were available, and not the madei bet skirts worn in bases and for training and suited for the rigors of training. As a result, during the first days of training, they must wear the skirts from the ‘madei aleph’ which are not suited for the activities they must carry out. Rav Stav adds the girls are instructed to wear pants “until the matter is rectified”, with critics adding obviously beginning begins the downward spiral regarding their religious observance for too many.

The rav points out some of them are compelled to move around a “mixed training base”, referring to men and women, wearing pants. He admits that when outside pressure was applied, the IDF suddenly found ‘madei bet’ skirts for the girls.

Rav Ohad Teharlev, who heads the Midreshet Lindenbaum, responded to Rav Stav’s post, backing the IDF, which he insists is doing everything possible to accommodate the girls. For those unfamiliar with Midreshet Lindenbaum, it represents a more liberal religious hashkafa than Yeshivat Har Etzion. The more right-wing rabbonim from the dati leumi community, included but not limited to Rav Shlomo Aviner, Rav Dov Lior and Rav Elyakim Levanon, remain opposed to religious girls serving, citing their place is in Sheirut Leumi.

“Unfortunately, my dear friend Rav Avraham Stav errs this time and is sending an erroneous message” Rav Teharlev writes. He explains “The very same group of girls are my students, and I say to the IDF’s credit that during a pre-induction visit they were asked specifically about madei bet skirts, so they can arrange for them in advance. There were girls who chose not to attend the visit and therefore, the skirts were not ordered.”

Rav Teharlev defends the IDF and praises the extent to which officials went to towards making certain the needs of the girls were met.

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

3 Responses

  1. Finally! A legitimate Chillul HaShem for everyone to discuss.
    YWN is always so quick to let us know their opinion in big headlines.
    But here… nothing? No Chillul HaShem?!?
    Strange, but I would suspect there are more Gedolim against Giyus Banos that there are against the Anti Vaxxers.
    YWN is always quick to remind us breathlessly how many Measels or Drowning stories they wrote.
    As if HaShem needs to listen to the editors how He should run the world.
    But Ruchniyus! Silence.
    The gedolim have deemed this a matter of יהרג ואל יעבור!!
    How’s this for a headline:
    GIYUS BANOS IN 2019!?! GEVALT!!!

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