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Unfortunate Attack Against Flag-Hanging Yid

israel_flag1.jpgA Yerushalmi man in his 50s on Wednesday was assaulted during a Neturei Karta protest at Jerusalem’s Kikar Shabbos as he attempted to hang an Israeli flag. The protest is an annual event, timed to coincide with Independence Day.

Undercover police monitoring the protest extricated the kippa sruga (knitted yarmulke) wearing man from the mob uninjured.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

27 Responses

  1. Can anyone read the location of this event? Why was this man trying to place an israeli flag up in kikar shabbos. I am not justifity what was done to him, however the same thing would occur if some neturie karta went to kikar rabin in tel aviv and raised a flag of yigal amir.

  2. according to the nk, assaulting those that have opposing halachic views is halachically acceptable. therefore, they feel that they have the right to assualt other Yidden at will. this, by there actions puts them, the nk, into the category of a rodef and we all know that one is allowed to stop a rodef before he harms the intended victim.

  3. To Pashuteh Yid:

    What you say in your second paragraph would be considered erroneous by any clear thinking person. She clearly is not thinking that by any stretch of the imagination. She is simply upset at the time of being drunk thar her adoring Yankess were being insulted. Hence, your little dissertation does not start.

  4. #5, on what do you base this statement “according to the nk, assaulting those that have opposing halachic views is halachically acceptable.”? Please state sources, or are you just an uninformed bigot?

  5. To ‘feif un’

    ummm “When I was in Yeshiva, one guy didn’t like the fact that I read novels.” ?? You’re insanity is breathtaking.

  6. I think the term “Toivel V’sheretz Beyado” is an accurate term to describe those Neture karte wackjobs who have brought more Chilul Hashem to this world than any flag waving Zionist.

    Reminds me of the Chazir, an animal who of flaunts his hooves as a sign of his “kashrus” when he is nothing more than a swine.

  7. To Pashuteh Yid in #10

    1)I didn’t realize you were being sarcastic and I agree with all that you said in #10.

    2)I have not been following alot of news lately. I was just curious what you were refering to about “bamba…” Please update me.

    Thank you,

  8. mdlevine – Did you ask your moire dasra if your personal analysis in determining who is a rodef is accurate? Also, there are different, opposing, groups who identify themselves as nk — and dispute the actions of the loonies who falsely act in the nk’s name.

  9. #8 – read the article,this is the source. they assaulted a Yid for having a view that agrees with the founding of the modern State of Israel – he was putting up a flag — what right did they have to beat him? none. If they disagree with him, walk away. don’t look. why get so upset that they start to beat a Yid? one can logically say that they the nk believe that they can do anything that they deem appropriate (including violent behavior) to someone who disagrees with them (yes, it can be logically deduced from the incident b/c this is what they did, reality speaks louder them hypotheticals) based on this, they feel that they can take the “law” into their own hands and pursue those that they deem evil. once they are in the category of a pursuer to cause damage, one can intercede and stop them.

    disclaimer: this does not mean one can go about randomly beating nk members.

    the Torah calls someone a Rasha for lifting his hand to someone else, how much more so for beating someone (and doing so in the “name” of Torah)?

    so to answer your question, no I am not uninformed nor am I a bigot
    and my question for you is: do you support these nk’ers in their beating of a Yid who committed the “serious” offense of hanging a flag?

  10. #12 – it refers to a call to boycott products in E’Y that have the Israeli flag in the corner. Outrageous!

  11. #14, my moire dasra reads YWN. If he tells me that I am wrong, I will retract.

    re: the hijacking of the “nk” name – re: the normal, non-violent NK people, this would not apply (read my disclaimer in post 15). this applies to those who carry the nk banner to beat Yidden.

    Post #10, good post.

  12. mdlevine – I don’t see any disclaimer in #5 regarding who you mean by nk.

    Does you moire dasra allow every individual to make their own personal decision in determining who is a rodef (and act upon it)?

  13. If I went out to eat with my animal-rights-activist friend I would not wear a fur coat. Know why? Cuz its hurtful to her and disrespectful of me. (Not cuz I agree with her).An Israeli flag in Me’ah She’arim is disrespectful and immature. Betcha anything this guy believes in being tolerant of all people and openminded about understanding of differing opinions and viewpoints…Except where “intolerant and closed minded Chareidim ” are concerned.

  14. Non of you guys understand the Israeli mentality. The mishtara (Israeli police) planted or hired this guy with a kippa seruga (probably put it on just for this occasion) to put up a flag so that the residents of 100 shearim should beat him up and they can report of the way ALL chareidim “celebrate” 60 years of Tzionism.

    THE WHO THING WAS A SHOW!!! The Israeli media got what they were looking for!!

    Why are we falling for their garbage????????

  15. I am a Religious Zionist of the Rav Kook school and other than being “haredi l’dvar Hashem” I do not identify with the so-called “Hareidi” hashkafa or society in any way. But I don’t understand the big uproar about the Neturei Karta attacking one man for raising the Israeli flag when the Israeli Government’s Police and IDF goons violently and viciously beat and trampled with horses hundreds of men and women who tried to raise the same flag at Amona.

  16. #25, I’m sure you have legitimate and recognized sources for these outrageous comments, so perhaps you would share them with us?

  17. #25 You are of course SO right! The reason why the nk’s fall for it time and time again is because they honestly couldn’t care less if the media bashes the chareidim afterwards. An
    Israeli flag flying in their areas is much worse than having the press screaming at them for a week (in their opinion).

    #31 You ask for proof. Well obviously there isn’t proof in this case yet but in previous years it was proven that “chiloni” press photographers paid chareidi kids to burn Israeli flags on Yom Ha’atzmaut and to pose for the pictures. (That’s why now they’ve had to change their tactics and they’ve found a new system to sell tomorrow’s paper on the back of the chareidim.)

    The only point I disagree with #25 is that I think it is the media who set it up rather than the Police though they surely tipped off the police beforehand and they played along.

  18. #25

    Very imaginitive. Does the Israeli Mishtara also plant tourists to show how those meah Shearim idiots throw garbage and eggs at or is that just a lucky break?

    Doubtful. Not that it matters. Who this man was or how he got there, no one held a gun for these freaks to beat him up because of their narrowminded opinions that they get to dictate for others what their version of the Torah is.

  19. #33

    Ah, the classic “The devil made me do it”.

    I guess it must be nice to be able to blame someone else for one’s transgressions, huh?

  20. Without saying that NK is right, I think that it is pisheia to hang that flag during a NK demonstration. What did the guy think, that the NK would shower him with presents and kisses and dance around the flag when he hung it up?

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