Not Enough Evidence To Suggest Mevo Modi’in Fire Was Arson

Israel Police concluded their investigation into the causes of the fire that burnt down the Moshav of Mevo Modi’in in May. The fire, which caught blaze in Ben Shemen national forest, which encircles the town, caused a massive amount of damage to the forest and burnt down most of the building in the town itself.

The investigation which was carried out by the police, in conjunction with the special investigations unit and the Fire Department concluded on Thursday and the findings resulted in the conclusion that there was not enough evidence to prove any arson took place.

The investigation began the day after the fire broke out. Hundreds of people were brought in to answer questions including contractors who worked in the area, graveyard workers from Modi’in that is located near the town, passersby, members of Keren KAyemet L’Yisrael, high ranking officers in the Fire Department, operators of heavy machinery who were working in the forest, workers from t he electric company and hired laborers who worked for contractors in the area.

The region was scoured by police and fire department staff and officials. Ground samples were taken for lab study, security camera footage was scoured and even drone footage of local residents who had drones in the air at that time were all gone through.

Following the lack of evidence found, the investigation and the file into the cause of the fire has been closed. It is not yet clear what effect this decision will have on the residents who lost everything.

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

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