Jerusalem City Hall Works to Assist Har Nof Residents While Construction Has Placed Them Under Siege

The Jerusalem municipality is turning to the Ministry of Transportation regarding construction of Route 16, calling on the ministry to implement suggestions to alleviate the “siege on Har Nof” as residents describe the situation.

The city’s request comes at a time construction on the road has begun, along with work to extend the light rail to Givat Shaul on Kanfei Nesharim Street. The roadwork on Rt. 16 is under the auspices of the ministry and the Netivei Yisrael Company.

Suggested solutions to reduce traffic expected in the area as a result of the construction, approved by the Ministry, include:

• Paving an alternative route to connect the neighborhood to the road via the forest, to the intersection of Rosenthal and Givat Shaul Streets, (Kikar Slonim)
• Arranging the exit from the forest road towards Akiva Azoulai Street
• Arranging Beit HaDfus Street and creating a public transport lane in addition to widening the street and traffic square that exists at Rosenthal and Melamed Streets to a two-lane square.

The cost of implementing the temporary solutions to permit residents to continue maintaining an acceptable quality of life is NIS 21.8 million.

After the budget was approved, the city will grant the other necessary construction to permit work to get underway for the infrastructure of the light rail expansion on Kanfei Nesharim Street. Simultaneously, the city will work towards implementing additional solutions is requested, towards maintaining an attentive approach to the traffic realities in the area during construction.

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

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