Shaare Zedek Hospital’s Annual Happening For Children

Jerusalem’s Shaare Zedek Hospital is about to hold its annual happening for Jerusalem children. This will include a Ninja Israel complex, a hospital for bears, educational activities, crafting and makeup workshops and much more. Best of all, everything is free.

The event is scheduled for Friday, August 23, 2019 from 9:00AM-1:00PM. The entire hospital complex will convert to a large entertainment area of Jerusalem’s children, with some 5000 children expected to participate and take advantage of the huge variety of attractions, and all for free.

The list of activities according to the hospital will include:
• A challenging Ninja course (the stepper, equilibrium and more)
• Bear Hospital – children are invited to bring their bears and dolls to the medical care facility for the staff to check
• Road safety compound with an overturned vehicle and more
• A special performance by sensory performer Manny Hollander
• Creation and makeup corners
• A show by Israel Police including dogs and bomb demolition
• Special display by security agencies

In addition, services offered will include checking a child’s height and weight by endocrinologists from the hospital, and dental hygienists will instruct children on good dental hygiene. There will also be booths addressing healthy eating.

This is the sixth year the event is taking place in cooperation with the Hope and Heal Association and is another connection to the community by the hospital.

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

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