Ya’alon Approves First Chareidi Mechina

yaalonDefense Minister Moshe Ya’alon on Wednesday 3 Menachem Av 5773 approved the first chareidi “Mechina” IDF prepatory yeshiva. The yeshiva, Hararei Tzion, will be in the Jordan Valley and its establishment is the result of cooperation between the Jordan Valley Regional Council, the Defense Ministry and Education Ministry.

The graduates will be combatants in Nachal Chareidi. Over 20 talmidim are registered to date, and they will begin in Elul 5773. The staff includes former Nachal Chareidi officers.

The defense minister also signed his approval for the creation of the first chareidi hesder yeshiva which will offer two years of Torah study and two years of military service, intended for 17-year-old chareidi males.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

12 Responses

  1. If as presumed the Gedolei Yisrael oppose it, then ipso,
    it has zero with which to ascribe itself as chareidi.

    It is somehow chareidi, because ??

    Unless the srigum and fellow travellers define groups only on shallow externals..

  2. Yanky55 says:
    July 11, 2013 at 9:09 pm

    Now let’s hear from Akuperma why this is bad for the Jews…

    simple he lives in bazaaro world what is good is bad to him

  3. #1
    Sit down ,grab hold of something

    This may come as a shock
    but we hold there more to this world than serving in the IDF.

    It is even in the nigh impossible best of circumstances ,a step down and lowering of our hitherto loftier aspirations

  4. Yanky55 says:
    Now let’s hear from Akuperma why this is bad for the Jews…

    You’re trying to reason with blind, irrational hatred.

  5. Commenters here are as naive as they come and live with their heads in the sand and more likely not charedi. Why don’t they read up about Nachal Charedi an IDF Yeshiva and find up why many charedim escaped? Find out about their “rabbis” and their chillul Shabbos demands even for religious soldiers and other hideous stuff that goes on, instead of having the chutzpah of talking against Gedolei Yisrael who know everything that goes on in there which is the reason they are so adamantly opposed.

  6. hahaha #5 about time made me think

    the people who think the charedim will get off their high horse of torah and geulah and tzidkus to simply be a army brat has it coming. instead they will join and show that an army brat is just another step to achieve the spreading of torah tzidkus and geulah!!

  7. Biology, these mechinot have one mission only: to prevent OTD among religious recruits. Their success is proven. By attacking them, you “effectively excommunicate” yourself from the real Torah community.

  8. #10
    The biggest supporters of Torah are against,
    and the lowest degenerates plus the naive (and you) are for

    ‘nough said

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