15 Flights Delayed at Ben-Gurion Airport on Monday Morning

Fifteen outgoing flights were delayed at Tel Aviv’s Ben-Gurion International Airport on Monday morning, August 12, 2019. According to officials at the airport, the cause for the delay was a malfunction of the luggage sorting system. This preventing loading luggage onto outgoing flights.

Ynet reported that airlines were contemplating taking off on schedule without passengers’ suitcases.

The airport recently reported delays due to interference with Israel’s GPS airspace navigation system, which led to delays in both takeoffs and landings. It has since been learned that that was caused by Russia, as reported by YWN-Israel.

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

3 Responses

  1. I think President Trump ought to issue an executive order to help Israel by directing Jerry Nadler and his cronies together with mulehead Muller to travel to Ben Gurion Airport and stay there investigating the Russians for the next three years. It would serve the good of both Israel and the United States.

  2. “Ynet reported that airlines were contemplating taking off on schedule without passengers’ suitcases…”

    Hopefully, most passengers were travelling with carry-on baggage only….make life so much easier and avoids delays on arrival. Obviously, in some cases, that may not be an option but If you plan carefully, you can get plenty of stuff into the new generation of 22″ carry-on “expandable bags”, especially if you use the vacuum sealed bags inside to minimize space.

  3. “I think President Trump ought to issue an executive order to help Israel by directing Jerry Nadler and his cronies together with mulehead Muller to travel to Ben Gurion Airport and stay there investigating the Russians..”

    Heckstar: The Tumpkopf is too busy on his new investigation of whether Bill Clinton (with his secret service protective detail in tow) sneaked into the Manhattan Corrections Center early Shabbos morning, helped Epstein fake his “suicide” and then sneaked back out without detection. His gabboim have officially changed the chant for the next MAGA rally to “lock HIM up…”.

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