Latest Poll Shows Lieberman Remains The Key To A Coalition For The Left Or Right

The latest poll released shows once again that immediately following Knesset elections, both Likud and Blue & White will not succeed in forming a coalition government.

The poll, commissioned by News13, released on Monday evening, once again shows a deadlock as the two largest parties are unable to form a coalition.

The poll shows that Likud remains the largest party, with 30 seats, followed by Blue & White with 29. Third place goes to the Arab List, with 11 seats.

Yisrael Beitenu, headed by MK Avigdor Lieberman received 10 seats, and it will be he who decides who the next prime minister will be according to the poll, for without his 10 seats, a coalition cannot be formed since neither Likud or Blue & White can gather the minimum majority needed, 61 seats.

Other results:
Democratic Israel/Meretz 8

Shas 7

Yahadut Hatorah 7

Labor/Gesher 7

Otzma Yehudit and Zehut do not received sufficient votes to enter Knesset, each receiving 2% when the minimum threshold is 3.5%.

Right-wing/chareidi 55

Left-wing/centrist 55

Yisrael Beitenu 10

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

2 Responses

  1. Lieberman and the left agree on nothing except being anti-religious, and Lieberman is more extreme than most of the left. At some point the Right-Center Likud and the Left-Center “Blue and white” will realize they have more in common which each than the other parties, and that splitting the patronage two ways, and leaving out the small parties, benefits themselves.

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