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Lapid Condemns Attack on Soldier in Meah Shearim

lapidFollowing the assault against a chareidi soldier in Meah Shearim on Tuesday night the eve of 3 Menachem Av 5773, Finance Minister Yair Lapid posted the following on his Facebook page.

“Another soldier was attacked today by dozens of chareidim in Jerusalem. This is unbearable and we will not tolerate it. I spoke with the minister of public security this evening about dealing with those responsible with a firm hand and without hesitation. In the week during which the cabinet passed the Share the Burden Bill, there are more than a few people who wish to use violence towards preventing the draft of chareidim. They must understand this will not be the case.

“I am calling on the leaders of the chareidi parties to condemn the violent attack, the ugly incitement against the IDF — those who do so in a loud voice, without hesitation and without a hint of justification. There is no justification for violence. Violence against IDF soldier is a direct threat to the State fo Israel and it will be addressed as such.”

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

18 Responses

  1. Who cares about Lapid’s condemnation?

    Where are leadership, askanim, and the shakers and bakers of Meah Shearim who have a wild clan at large?

  2. What can we say? – He’s right that it’s ugly. He’s right that there’s no justification. and he’s right that it should be dealt with with a strong hand.

    I have to say there some times can be things we agree about…

  3. #3 “To chachom, yes he is more so than the robonum who are silent about this.”

    are you out of your mind one of the biggest reshaim to ever hit the planet is a greater tzaddik than our rabbonim

    the same guy who eats treif and is oiver every issur on yom kippur is mechale shabbos and wants to uproot yeshivos because he hates frum yidin is a bigger tzadik than the gedolei yisroel are yous ticking to that statement??

  4. Of course Lapid would need to speak out about this – the attack was a direct backlash to his policies: there was never a charedi soldier attacked until this year. Hmmm…

  5. lbj: You hurt your cause when you exaggerate instead of sticking to observable facts. Is Lapid really oiver on EVERY issur? Instead, I suggest you consider the possibility that sometimes even a rasha can make a valid point.

  6. #2 The Rabbanim will not and should not condemn it. This is a deliberate act against Rabbanim and the soldier should apologize to the Rabbanim and to the charedim for the chutzpah. Too bad it wasn’t Lapid in the uniform in Meah Shearim.

  7. yes he is oiver every issur do you know one that he is nnot oiver if hre is known to be oiver on the chamoros he properly has no regard for anyof them and has no problem being oiver them all

  8. #12 Can you remember back to when Rav Shach zt”l would recognize and invite his grandchildren (in IDF uniform and one of female gender)to Ponevitch Yeshiva?

    Are you totally out of context?

  9. lbj: Hmmm…. let’s see… I doubt Lapid eats bugs. Probably no shaatnez in his clothes. He doesn’t go up to Har Habayis. I don’t know if he cursed his parents. Maybe he had relations with some assur relatives, but ALL of them is just not possible. I’m not saying he’s a tzadik; my only point was for you not to exaggerate.

  10. When a war exists sometimes it’s counterproductive to condemn our side. Lapid waged a war on Chareidim, and war has ugly consequences. The best way for Lapid to stop it, just stop the war.

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