Minor Arrested In Beit Shemesh For Damaging A Police Vehicle

A 16-year-old youth was arrested by police in Beit Shemesh on Sunday morning after he damaged a police vehicle.

Police were summoned to a park during the early morning hours on Sunday after residents complained of excessive noise. When police arrived instructed the youths to keep the noise level down and then one of them, who police report was intoxicated, began to curse the police and then smashed a window of the police car.

The 16-year-old suspect was taken into custody after police also found he was concealing a knife. He will be arraigned before the Jerusalem Magistrate’s Court.

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

3 Responses

  1. While I don’t condone ANY violence or destruction of property, & certainly not concealment of a weapon, these kids have nowhere to go! We need to be realistic. Our youth are lost and they need safe outlets for their energy and interests. We had a basketball court built on my street at the cost of who-knows-how-much. Then some fanatics objected, the hoops were taken down after a week and yalla.

    Build a sports center. Offer some practical courses like carpentry, culinary arts, hair/wig design, auto mechanics… give them skills. You all blindly think your kids should be shoved into a box and should come out the other end of the conveyor belt all wrapped up neatly to be clones of their parents.

    It doesn’t work like that in 2019. Get real. We lose kids to drugs and other addictions every day. Kids are thrown out by their parents to sleep in the streets because they are afraid of the shanda of having an arsi son & how it will affect future shidduchim.

    The time has come for parents in this city, from every group – Chassidic, Chareidi, DL, Masorti, secular – to face facts. BUILD A SHELTER. Keep these kids safe and productive. Mayor Aliza Bloch, are you listening? Pull the wool out of your ears, take the blinders off and pay attention to your constituents. I voted for you, I support your work but if you don’t take care of this colossal problem, you are no better than your predecessor.

  2. @HML We both know what the response would be if the iriyah interfered in some areas, particularly in Ramat Bet. People who do not want to be helped will not be helped. People who do not want a basketball court or vocational training will not accept this construction or development in their neighborhood. The same fanatics that protested chareidi job events in Aleph will not accept this kind of development in Bet.

    I, like you, hope that this will change. But I do not think it is fair to point the finger at the iriyah. The challenge is far bigger. Yes, they can help. And I believe they want to help. Go meet with Aliza, she is receptive and takes meetings.

    Good for the police. And let’s daven that we see the yeshuos and changes we all need.

  3. Jdb I would love to meet with her. But my Hebrew is nowhere close to good enough & I was told she doesn’t speak English (although I find that hard to believe, considering her profession.) As for constructing a “shelter” for these kids…. they aren’t murderers, rapists or psychopaths. They are conflicted, unhappy kids, possibly victims of some form of abuse, possibly addicts but definitely suffering. They can be housed in any community and cared for by professionals, just like My Place does. Agreed, the Betinskis aren’t interested in much besides making violent demonstrations & calling Jews Nazis, so for the kids’ sake it would be better to build elsewhere. Something needs to be done for our youth, and it needs to be done now.

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