Olmert Case May be a Bombshell!

olmert nervous.jpgAttorney Uri Messer is in the midst of negotiations with the prosecution, seeking to cut a deal to turn state witness in the ongoing investigation against Ehud Olmert. Such a deal would grant Messer a modicum of immunity in return for revealing what he knows about Ehud Olmert’s alleged criminal activities. Messer, an attorney, is a longtime friend and associate of the prime minister dating back to the days when Mr. Olmert maintained a law practice. There are a number of other suspects in the case that are also trying to cut a deal with the state before the court-imposed gag order on the investigation is lifted.

Speaking on Radio Kol Chai on Monday night, veteran investigative journalist Yoav Yitzchak, who has uncovered many a major scandal in Israel and has been investigating Olmert for years, stated the prime minister will be taken down as a result of this latest investigation. Stressing that all the information is alleged until Olmert if found guilty in a court of law, Yitzchak stated with confidence that the prime minister over the years, dating back to his tenure as Jerusalem mayor, was involved in fraud, bribery, theft, extortion and other criminal activities, adding the top of the list, that which the gag order surrounds, will be the bombshell that will bring an abrupt end to the current administration.

Yitzchak stated that even if Olmert is not legally or in his eyes morally not compelled to step down when the gag order is lifted, the coalition in all likelihood will break apart since coalition partners will not be able to justify remaining in a government headed by Olmert when the details of the case are made public.

Yitzchak stated that in all likelihood, the gag order will be lifted in the coming days or perhaps weeks, once the state is confident that the prosecution and police have gathered sufficient evidence against the prime minister.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

9 Responses

  1. Like someone commented yesterday, when the heat gets too strong the PM will cut a quick deal with the Palestinians giving them territory, and thus making it politically untenable for the prosecution to go after the PM while the PM is negotiating or in the legislature to puse the agreement thru.

  2. Olmert is just not a pro.
    When Sharon got into deep water he deflected the country’s attention with another criminal act, and retreated from Gaza.
    Olmert can’t even pull this off.
    But if you you put your hopes in Netanyahu, think of Wye. And think again.

  3. Wel how many times did we hear this kind of talk already. “When the final Winigrod report then no one will have the excuse to stay blah blah blah.” He will survive again, just wait and see.

  4. Gotta be honest… I’m probably not gonna miss this guy if they lock him up… Maybe they should put him in a jail run by the Palestinian “Police” he’s been arming…

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