Olmert Investigation Concerns White House

olmert 23.jpgWhatever his own concerns may be, Prime Minister Ehud Olmert is not alone. The White House is carefully following events surrounding the latest investigation into alleged illegal activities by the prime minister, fearing a major criminal indictment could have an impact on ongoing peace-making efforts in the region.

There are rumors circulating that Attorney General Menachem Mazuz will lift the gag order on the case, which is gaining momentum with media leaks and information being reported by many “informed sources”. There is much speculation already that the prime minister will be compelled to step down from office, with Mr. Olmert on Sunday already announcing he is canceling two major Independence Day interviews with the media, interviews that are customary events before the holiday, especially this year as the nation celebrates 60 years of independence.

Nevertheless, in the Prime Minister’s Office one can safely assume the mood is not one of jubilation as police expand the scope of the investigation, questioning a number of people connected to the case, including his former bureau chief Shula Zaken, who is remanded to house arrest, prohibited from discussing details of the case to anyone. On Sunday, she was questioned once again, this time for six hours.

The police chief is signaling that a major case is unfolding, adding that while he is well-aware of the right of citizens to know, he also knows that for the time being, the case must remain clouded in a veil of secrecy, stating in time, everyone will understand.

Nevertheless, Olmert appears determined to maintain a calm external gaze, signaling all will be fine – seemingly trying to maintain ‘business as usual’. Olmert’s problems are more complicated, with three MKs from the Pensioner’s Party breaking away from the coalition, forming their own party and joining ranks with Arkadi Gaydamak, and Sunday’s announcement of a multi-count major criminal indictment against Olmert’s former finance minister, Avraham Hirschson, who will face charges including fraud, money laundering and bribery.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

5 Responses

  1. A leaderof Jews who leads without Torah,cannot succeed!!
    Hashem,Yisroel ,v’Oraissa (Torah) Chad hu!!!,referring to Eretz haKedosha!Kedoshim Ti’hyu!Z’man Chairusainu —Z’man Matan Toroseinu!!

  2. Who cares if he stole $ 100,000.-
    We should care if he steals half of Yerushalayim and gives it to our sworn enemies.
    Or for that matter, if he steals hundreds of automatic weapons and dozens of armored carriers and delivers them to gangsters and murderers.

  3. Yet another PM under corruption investigation. Has any PM not been investigated multiple times?

    If I recall my history, Menechem Begin was never investigated multiple times. (or Shamir as a second)

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