Zikim Beach Will Not Open Due to Rocket Attacks

While Sderot area residents by and large remain steadfast in their determination to endure ongoing Kassam rocket attacks, the ongoing warfare has taken its toll in many areas of life.

The Zikim Beach, a once popular area attraction, will not open this year due to the Kassam threat. A number of years ago, the number of people visiting Zikim began to drop, realizing in the 15 second warning allotted to residents, there is no safe place to seek cover on the beach, prompting many area residents to forgo the visit to the beach in favor of remaining out of harm’s way.

The contractor who maintained the beach in past years announced he is loosing too much money and as a result, has decided not to open this year. City officials have turned to the Interior and Defense Ministries seeking a special allocation to operate the beach, but the request was turned down.

In the coming days, signs are expected to appear informing visitors that the beach is closed and bathing is prohibited since there will not be any lifeguards.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

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