Sharansky Turns Down UN Ambassador Offer

natan-sharansky.jpgFormer cabinet minister and Prisoner of Conscience Natan Sharansky has turned down an offer from Foreign Minister Tzipi Livni to serve as Israel’s next ambassador to the United Nations, the daily Yediot Achronot reports.

Foreign Ministry officials and Prime Minister Ehud Olmert were in agreement, that Sharansky would bring pride to Israel if he agreed to accept the post, but they also knew his rejection of the offer was the likely scenario.

Sharansky is not a supporter of the policies of the current administration, politically aligned with former Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu.

Sharansky declined comment, referring the media to the Foreign Ministry for a statement. Foreign Ministry officials also declined comment.

Foreign Ministry officials are now seeking a replacement of Ambassador Dan Gillerman, whose term runs out in the summer. Some of the candidates being considered are former IDF Spokesman Nachman Shai [the star of the 1991 Gulf War], Alon Pinchas [a former Israel Consul General in NYC and a close associate of Defense Minister Ehud Barak], former minister Roni Milo [who turned down a diplomatic post in Europe in the past], former ISA (Israel Security Agency – Shin Bet Director) Yaakov Peri, and Minister of Housing & Construction (Kadima) Ze’ev Boim.

Olmert has already signaled he will not appoint anyone who does not enjoy the support of Livni, and if she puts forward a fitting candidate, he will not be able to object.

The prime minister appears to be signaling that after his candidates were appointed to the post of ambassador to Washington and NYC Consul General, it is time to permit Livni to select her candidate. Livni has indicated she prefers to appoint a female to advance the role of women in government.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

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