Will Shaked Succeed In Uniting The Right-Wing?

Ayelet Shaked, the new leader of the New Right party, plans to meet with right-wing party heads in the coming days as she is working to unite the right-wing to assure an election victory and avoid right-wing votes being thrown in the trash. She also wishes to run together with Bayit Yehudi, but at present, there is disagreement as to who will head the list and the other slots on the list.

Shaked insists on the leadership position, backed by polls showing with her at the helm of a URWP, they will earn at least 13 seats. That said both Rabbi Rafi Peretz and PM Netanyahu are opposed to Shaked heading a united right-wing list.

In addition, the New Right is demanding five of the first ten slots, positions 1,3,5,7 and 9. Bayit Yehuda and Ichud Leumi officials are opposed, expressing a willingness to alternate slots between the three parties. Additional meetings between the party leaders are set in the hope of reaching agreement to unite the parties.

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

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