Kushner To Head To Mideast To Push Palestinian Economic Plan

President Donald Trump’s son-in-law and senior adviser, Jared Kushner, is returning to the Mideast at month’s end to promote the administration’s $50 billion economic support plan for the Palestinians that they’ve rejected because they says it “ignores their political demands”.

Kushner outlined the plan’s ambitious investment and development goals at a Bahrain conference last month. It relies heavily on private sector investment in the West Bank, Gaza as well as Egypt, Jordan and Lebanon.

The plan acknowledges its success depends on completing a long-elusive Israeli-Palestinian peace deal.

Trump has cut aid and political support to the Palestinians. Critics say that shows his administration’s pro-Israel bias. The U.S. has also refused to endorse a two-state solution that’s long been seen as the only viable path to peace.

Kushner’s itinerary is being worked out.


One Response

  1. It remains a shame that time and money is being invested in any “peace plan”. As far as we know, based on decades of history, the Palis are unwilling to be at peace with Israel, not now, not ever. They will never abandon their only means of expression, the animalistic, barbaric use of murder and terror. They are sworn enemies of Israel, and their actions have made it clear that they will never view a Jew, anywhere in the world, as someone who should not be targeted for murder. You cannot negotiate with a bloodthirsty savage. Any plan that fails to completely demilitarize them, where they cannot even have a steak knife, is useless. The liberal left, presently represented in high decibel level by the Squad, will never allow that. They will use all the phrases about human rights, dignity, and other stuff that is totally non-applicable to Palis.

    The two state solution is predicated that the Palis can exist as a state. Guess what? They can’t. They lack the ability to manage a sovereign nation, they are subhuman predators, and have never complied with a single agreement. Being non-verbal and bloodthirsty cancels any dreams of sovereignty. Just as Gaza has been blockaded, the Arabs in the West Bank should also be contained. As things stand now, they have more rights in Israel then they would anywhere, aside from a lifestyle that is more than enough for them. Under their own rule, as in Gaza, politicians just get rich, and the population suffers.

    Trump is right. And they will never accept any plan that does not build in the total destruction of Israel. My say, ship them to an island somewhere else, and we will occupy the land that was rightfully given to us by HKB”H.

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