Vizhnitzer Rebbe Postpones Travel Plans Until Yeshiva Workers Receive Pay Checks

The Vizhnitzer Rebbe announced on Sunday that he will push off his annual two-month excursion to Switzerland until all of the Yeshiva workers get paid their salaries.

The educational institutions belonging to the Vizhnitzer Chassidim have been in the process of undergoing a massive overhaul in their organizational framework. The schools, and Cheders, as well as Talmud Torahs, have all begun the process of privatization in order to establish a Menahel at the head of each institution that will deal with making certain that the workers in his institution are properly cared for and paid on time.

Since Pesach, when the last crisis occurred, many of the institutions have fully undergone the privatization process and are now being run by a direct menahel instead of by a centralized committee.

However, as some of the institutions have not yet fully undergone this process nor complied with paying their teachers and staff, the Rebbe has made a public announcement stating that he will forgo his vacation until every institution is sorted out.

During the Pesach crisis, the  Rebbe said that he would not sit down to Seder until the issue was sorted out and that caused a lot of feverish activity to try to sort the issues out then, but not all of the institutions were successfully able to implement the changes necessary in order to carry out the privatization process fully.

The Chassidic group held a widespread fundraising campaign in Adar in order to help finance the process and make sure there was enough money for everyone to be paid. The Adar fundraising campaign allowed each Menahel to receive their institution without having any overhead deficit. However, the costs incurred since then, have caused a lot of chaos in certain institutions. The Chassidius is hoping to have the costs covered soon.

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

9 Responses

  1. Just for the record I also stayed home this year from going to the country and vacation till my grocery store and fish store are paid up in full.
    Isn’t this how every Jew has to live?
    A Rebbe who needs to rest up before choydesh elul when he needs all his koyches to accept hundreds of chasidim with kvitelech and choydesh tishrei with his tefilos, tishen, and gives up his meniches hanefesh is an example how a yid had to live.

  2. Takahmamash said it. Or sell some of silver keilim and other extravagant trappings that have nothing to do with avodas Hashem.

  3. Did he have a seder despite the claim? why is this a shock? the halakha requires the timely payment of workers. there must be more to this story.

  4. As there are multiple Vizhnitzer Rebbes in different countries it would behoove the writer of this article to identify which Rebbe and which country this is about. I don’t understand why this is not self understood for a journalist?
    Just posting a picture doesn’t help.

  5. Looking at his fancy threads, chair and kiddush cup, it’s hard to believe there’s a real money crisis in Vishnitz.

  6. is this threat a joke?-“I wont go on my european vacation until my adherents kick in more money to close the budget”??–How about “I am going to wear sackcloth and ashes, fast every day, sell all MY belonging to show leadership in closing the budget”–wow–the rebbe might not get to go to europe!!–such sacrifice!!

  7. And instead of flying first-class, he can save a whole bunch of money flying economy.

    It reminds me of the Yeshiva World story last Summer about the Kiryas Yoel Satmar Roov travelling to Europe on Lufthansa, and how he purchased all of the first-class seats just for himself and his huis-bucher, despite the fact that Kiryas Yoel is the second-poorest community in New York State.

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