Blue & White Leader Backs MK Yankelevitch After She Fails Polygraph

Blue & White party leader MK Benny Gantz stood at MK Yankelevitch’s side after she failed a polygraph concerning who leaked information from an internal party discussion. Gantz called her fitting to be an MK.

In an interview with News13, Gantz addressed the storm in the party after Blue & White’s chareidi MK, Omer Yankelevitch, failed a polygraph as the party sought to determine who leaked information from an internal party discussion. Gantz stated “she does good work and I do not plan to stoop down to a low level, but I prefer to look at the main objective”.

Last week, Daphne Lial of News12 revealed that Yankelevitch was exposed to sensitive information regarding Gantz that found its way to the media. In one of the cases, Yankelevitch was caught red handed as she was releasing information. She took a polygraph and failed the exam. Gantz’s light response to the discovery have many in the party angered at the party leader, who feel stronger actions should be taken against Yankelevitch for leaking information.

Blue & White responded: Blue & White is the only alternative to the Netanyahu regime, and we are determined to continue the campaign to replace the government. We are sorry that esoteric and marginal political parties are obsessed with circulating information, with slander and gossip, and are trying to sabotage the effort.”

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

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