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Despite Secular Opposition, 60 Toldos Aharon Families Move Into Charish

Despite public objections of Charish Mayor Yitzchak Keshet, and on the backdrop of protests in Charish against the arrival of chareidim into the city, on erev Shabbos, sixty families affiliated with the Toldos Aharon Chassidus moved into the community.

The chassidim entered their buildings, which were rented on their behalf, accompanied by song and dance. There was a noticeable protest by secular residents, who object to their arrival, fearing the community will turn chareidi.

A number of protesters arrived in their vehicles and blared the music to interfere with the song and dance of the frum families arriving at their new apartments, but the interference could not break the mood, leading to a powerful feeling on an erev Shabbos. In fact, the new frum residents approached those opposing their arrival, offering them kugel and drink, explaining that following them will be chassidim from Belz and Vishnitz, who also plan to reside in the city.

Attorney Natan Rosenblatt, who is assisting the chareidi residents, is quoted telling Kikar Shabbos News that “If the current situation continues, Charish will become a city in which chareidim and secular residents live side-by-side harmoniously, as is the case in Nof HaGalil, Afula and other nearby cities”.

He explains that in the coming weeks, families from the Breslov Chassidus will also be moving in, with the hope that until the Tishrei Yomim Tovim, there will be some 100 frum families.

A call is being issued to all frum families who are entitled to enter the apartment lottery under the government’s ‘affordable housing’ program, explaining one can purchase an apartment for less than NIS 650,000.

Mayor Yitzchak Keshet published a column in the local ‘Charish 24′ publication, in which he says, he blocked more than one effort of group purchases on behalf of the chassidim, represented by Jay Engineering. He adds that simultaneously, he is seeking to find alternative housing for the chareidim, seeking to enlist the assistance of willing government agencies.

He explains that he is opposed to “anti-Zionist chassidus’ coming to the city” and he continues efforts to prevent this from happening, but on this past erev Shabbos, clearly is was visible that his efforts are failing.

The mayor did add that he calls on residents to refrain from posting negative content on social media, as negative publicity will just make them more determined in their efforts to make Charish their home and doing so brings the secular community to level of the [chareidi] extremists.

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

5 Responses

  1. I don’t think they’re afraid of charaidi in general, They’re afraid this group will eventually want the secular women to dress more modestly, close streets to traffic on Shabbos etc. If this was Chabad or some other group I don’t think there would be an issue..


  3. the further these scum move from Yerusaliyim the better we are all off. We don’t need idiot who think Judaism is external dress; we need people who practice fear of G-d…..

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